Chapter 9: A Merchant's Worst Nightmare Final Pt.

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                                          8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

Since this was a Clothier shop there was a lot of other wears other than shoes for females and males alike. Hazel seems to be captivated by a light blue and white dress in the female section. Her eyes are sparkling with interest.

"Do you like this dress?" [Clover]

"Mhm, it looks very pretty, I need another set of clothes other than my regular priestess apprentice uniform because during my one-day breaks during the week, I still wear my uniform. Sometimes I just wanna wear something different." [Hazel]

Clover takes a mental note of the dress in Steppe's Clothier.

"Hey, Hazel. Don't you need to buy some groceries?" [Clover]

"Oh-h. Yeah, let's go. I can't keep the chefs waiting for their ingredients, besides is getting late, they need to cook dinner soon." [Hazel]

Hazel and Clover exit the shop and head over to the center of the eastern district holding a bunch of street vendors selling all kinds of home essentials and groceries.

"Wow, I've never actually realized how busy it gets here until you need to buy a bunch of groceries." [Clover]

"Yes, it's normally really busy here, I come here all the time for the groceries so I know how to make my way around. Here. Follow me!" [Hazel]

The center on the eastern district was extremely busy with people haggling and shouting about price drops and price rates of different products. Spices, herbs, fruits, they basically have everything here.

"Huh as expected of a border city." [Clover]

Hazel saw this as a chance to show Clover her skills at haggling and bartering and had no mercy on the grocery vendors.

"HUH?! 50 potatoes for 1,000 Montrice! Are you trying to make starve everyone here?! [Hazel]

It was like Hazel's shy character was fake all along. Her attitude took a complete turn from a shy and timid girl to a bargain hero. Clover doesn't know what to think anymore. He would try to help but he feels like he would just get roasted by Hazel's intense bargaining aura.

On a normal day Hazel isn't this fired up about haggling and bartering but since this vendor was a complete rip off she was way more fired up than usual. 

"But miss, if we sold it any lower we wouldn't profit!" [Vendor]

"HUH?! Are you lying to me? The market price for a single potato is three montrice! If you're a competent vendor you should be able to surmise that 50 potatoes cost 180 montrice plus tax instead of 1,000!" [Hazel]

Clover was impressed that a 12 years old such as Hazel could put an experienced vendor in such a position. And yet be able to calculate and memorize market prices for various items. 

Around the area, Clover can here talk about the argument in front of him.

"Is that her? That's her right? The bargain monster?"

"Yeah, that's her alright. Look at her proving that the vendors' prices are absurd. She's certainly a merchant's worst nightmare."

Chatter is heard about Hazel being the bargain monster, street vendors know the name of her and have lowered the prices of their products so they won't get in trouble with their absurd prices on regular items. Certainly Hazel has very helpful skills that she can bring to the table. Clover wonder if any of the priestesses taught her.

The mood in the marketplace has shifted from intense bustling attitude full of talking, towards the bargaining monster grilling the poor vendor, Clover slowly shifts nervously towards Haze while she was finishing up her transaction.

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