Chapter 6: The soup to kill them all

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3rd Month of the Yumas Calendar

Clover walks over with his dorm mates towards the cafeteria, housing the prepped meals.

"Lucy, Hazel, we're here." [Clover]

Clover shows a flashy smile over to Lucy and Hazel. Hazel blushes and Lucy is smirking at Hazel. The other boys in the cafeteria didn't seem to notice the reaction of Hazel.

Priestess Renner and auntie Alicia walk in from the kitchen door and gather all the children's attention.

"Now, now children. You kids have a special meal today. Lucy and Hazel here with the guidance of the chefs in the orphanage made this meal. So treat it with care and enjoy." [Renner]

All the other children in the cafeteria jump with joy, a personally made meal from Lucy and Hazel is the dream of most of the kids in here. But Clover knows the crude reality of those meals.

"Hopefully everyone will survive the night." [Clover]

Clover whispered to himself and just then auntie Alicia walks over to Clover.

"Clover, come and sit with us. Lucy and Hazel worked really hard on this dish." [Alicia]

"Yes auntie." [Clover]

Clover nods in agreement and sits over with Lucy, Hazel, priestess Renner, following auntie Alicia.

"Clovie sit next to me! Sit here!" [Lucy]

Lucy points at the seat next to Hazel.

"Don't mind if I do, how about you Hazel?" [Clover]

Clover casually asks Hazel if it's ok for him to take up the offer, Hazel immediately nods in agreement as if she did it on reflex.

Clover nods and shows a wry smile towards Hazel and takes a seat. The food is now getting served in wooden bowls, it seems it's going to be soup.

"Hmmm. Soup?" [Clover]

"That's right! It was Hazel's idea to make soup, she recommended it to the chefs!" [Lucy]

Hazel looks over to Lucy and pouts with her hands out.

"Hazel also put in a lot of work in today's soup since it was her idea." [Lucy]

"Lucy!! You weren't supposed to say that! Hmph!" [Hazel]

Clover lets out a wry smile towards the two and proceeds to look at the soup that's been served in his wooden bowl. He takes a spoonful and looks at it.

'Doesn't look to be poisoned... I don't think it looks possessed either... Maybe the ingredients were rotten. No it can't be, this soup looks absolutely fine.' [Clover]

Clover thought of backup plans beforehand just in case he ended up passing away or getting knocked out. But he did realize that the chefs helped work on this so it should be fine.

Lucy and Hazel are staring at Clover with curious eyes as if they found something shiny. Especially Hazel.

Clover takes a bite and closes his eyes.

"Mmmm! Delicious!" [Clover]

Relief sweeps Lucy and Hazel's face but, it is more obvious on Hazel. Hazel sits back down on her seat and grabs a napkin from the middle of the table and covers her mouth.

"Is that so..." [Hazel]

Hazel whispers this making sure no one was able to hear her. Lucy casually switches gazes between Clover and Hazel and smiles a mischievous smile. Soon after priestess Renner notices the mischievous smile from Lucy.

"MHM." [Renner]

Priestess Renner lets off a cough as if clearing her throat, but it was just to break Lucy's mischievous mood. After the fact, everyone in the cafeteria was eating their well cooked meal and enjoying it to the full extent. It was definitely the best soup they've had from their idols. Even if it was mostly cooked by Hazel.

After dinner, there was a little bit of time before going to bed, because going to bed right after eating is unhealthy.

Lucy, Hazel, auntie Alicia, and priestess Renner went into the kitchen to help clean everything and to do final preparations for bed. During the night Clover didn't need to do his job of managing the kids, because the priestesses handle the tuck in of the children.

Right now Clover usually uses this time to study material from past lectures, or to slowly train his control over multiple flame orbs in his own room. In this orphanage children up to a certain age get their own room. In this case he didn't need to study any new material for his classes so he decided it was time to see if he can control eight flame orbs simultaneously.

Casting the magic was no hassle, but the fact that he had to control the actions of multiple orbs of fire came as a challenge even to someone as experienced as Clover. Controlling the different actions of eight separate orbs is relatable to splitting your brain into nine different pieces, eight for controlling the orbs, and one for yourself.

Even in Clover's past life he was only able to control seven flame orbs, and even that was the farthest anyone has gotten into controlling separate magics. The reason Clover is trying to train his control like this was because if he practices this with his new body, he is hoping to develop the ability to control and cast multiple types of magics at the same time.

Unlike the current time period and in the past world, magic was only limited to one cast, and after the affected magic has done its purpose, you may use another magic. Being able to cast multiple magics at the same time would give Clover an overwhelming advantage in battle. Unfortunately, developing this kind of potential for battle is extremely hard.

Clover on his bed imagined eight flame orbs orbiting around him, developing the structural and alchemical component of a floating sphere of fire. One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven orbs appear around Clover orbiting him. Even if the orbs produce heat, Clover is feeling a sudden chill down his back. His forehead is drenched and he was tightening his eyes.

Developing the eighth orb seems to be a difficulty for Clover at the moment, but a possible outcome with practice. An eighth orb starts to flicker as if a flame want to be born, but all it does is flicker, nothing more, nothing less. Clover gives up developing the eight orb for now as he is having a very difficult time.

He is proud of his ability to create seven orbs but, Clover is the type of person to always try to be better every single day, so he has the resolve to not give up at all. He will try to develop the eight orb again tomorrow night. With this he generates seven orbs again while carefully controlling them to not hit the wall and cause a fire.

"Oof, I have enough control over them to not burn the walls; for some reason I'm just not ready for the eighth flaming orb. Maybe I'll just slow down and not rush anything." [Clover]

It was nearing the time to sleep and priestess Renner is patrolling the dorm halls to make sure that everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. Clover walk to his bed and enters his sheets. Immediate warmth wraps Clover with his blanket.

"Goodnight." [Clover]

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