Chapter 20: Deviant's Deal

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8th month of the Yumas Calendar

In the border town of Belcroft was a powerful conglomerate that spanned vast amounts of cityscapes and countries. Only those foolish enough to challenge the Gilford Merchant group would face judgment comparable to a royal decree. One of those establishments was present in this city.

In the administrative district of the town was a large building riddled with extravagant marble columns signifying the wealth and prestige of the company who owns this building.

Inside the building houses big shots that run the Belcroft division of Gilford group. Typically the upper echelon of the group would be working and developing trust within the community but, in this case, the head isn't batting an eye towards its citizens and instead of trying to leech as much money as he can.

In a room of the Gilford building resided two people having a one-sided argument of recent affairs.

"Montmorency! I have yet to hear about the blasphemous fiend that managed to top our sales for the last seven years, why aren't the assassins we hired reporting back?" [Hindefreed]

"I'm sorry sir! I haven't been getting anything either, I've tried contacting them but they aren't responding." [Montmorency]

"That's ludicrous! I expect better from you, you worthless piece of meat! All your good for is feeding the monsters!" [Hindefreed]

"Please don't sir! I am the only advisor you have left!" [Montmorency]

"Shut your shit-hole, I don't have to talk to a piece of shit like you. Hurry up and figure out what's going on with the people we hired! Also, hire some more people! I want her here so I can personally tend to business" [Hindefreed]

"Of course sir, I will excuse myself." [Montmorency]

Hindefreed somewhat akin to the figure of a boar without tusks continues to screech in frustration in his office while Montmorency takes his leave. The feeling Montmorency is having is hopelessness and somewhat disgust with his management. He hopes to find another job as soon as his debt towards Hindefreed was paid for. But until that was done, he had to deal with the abuse Hindefreed throws at him constantly.

Running through Hindefreed mind, was also the feeling of disgust but this time accompanied by extreme frustration. In his office contained ledgers and books about economics that he never read. It was the possession of the previous head of branch here. Hindefreed was money and power hungry and wanted to get rid of any causation of him losing money, hence the assignment of kidnapping a young girl. Money revolved around Hindefreed, his philosophy was to make as much money as possible because after all, towards him. Money is power.

Hindefreed walks over to his massive gold encrusted desk and sat on his oversized chair. He put his elbows on the desk while leaning his head on both of his hands. Scheming was also his forte as that was how he was able to become the head of this branch while continuing his activity of extortion of the city folk.

"Hmm, I don't trust that fool Montmorency to finish that job! But it seems that the assassins we hired weren't good enough to finish the job. I'll hire my own personnel to finish it." [Hindefreed]

While still sitting at his desk Hindefreed announced a command while extending his arm in front of him.

"Aeva come forth!" [Hindefreed]

In the space in front of his desk, a vibrant dark purple tornado swirled into existence in a torrential fashion. Though the tornado was torrential, it didn't affect the room at all. At that moment the tornado started to weaken and slowly slender arms of a woman started to come into view. Moments after the entire body has been revealed.

"You've called my lord."

"Yes, I need you to capture this person and bring her to me." [Hindefreed]

Hindefreed brings out a picture of a young girl in a dress talking to one of his Gilford merchants. Hindefreed snickers behind the picture.

"Yes my lord."

ShadowClaw was a notorious organization of killers and assassins who've made a reputation for themselves on this continent. High end kill contracts were always sealed and went about by them as they have always completed their job. The mention of the name ShadowClaw brings fear to most of society, even some nobles. That was what ShadowClaw is. Hindefreed hired ShadowClaw to go about a kidnapping.

The woman left the room leaving the way she came in.

Hindefreed snickers behind his desk moments after he sent the assassin, waiting in anticipation as the job is guaranteed to be completed now.

In the hallways of the Gilford building, a quirky advisor paces it.

"I haven't been able to contact our hires at all, in the worst case scenario they betrayed us, or yet they died or chose to left. Nonetheless, they aren't responding for some reason. I must consider hiring someone else. Yes. A scout is necessary, if my previous hires weren't able to capture a simple town girl something dangerous must've happened. I must take precaution." [Montmorency]

Montmorency shuffles of the reception desk up front and notifies that Hindefreed won't be seeing anyone today, he's busy with a matter for the company, after that he proceeds to head over to his office to place in a request for a scout to take over this task.

"I hope this isn't as dangerous as it seems. I never would've taken this job knowing how Hindefreed is towards tasks, dirty deals and betraying the citizens, now I'm stuck here." [Montmorency]

Montmorency sits at his desk pondering at what action should he take next, for now, he should just suck it up and work as the advisor for the head of the Gilford group in this region.

Just outside the building Lavris and Jason are stationed at the north and south entrances of the building. Through communication magic, they relay their findings and discoveries towards each other.

"There was a fluctuation of dark magic inside of a room." [Jason]

"I sensed that too, should we relay it to the boss?" [Lavris]

"I think we should, but I don't think we should report it in a letter, I think we should visit him directly. Dark magic isn't something we should take lightly, especially if it's what I think it is." [Jason]

"You think its that group don't you?" [Lavris]

"Yes, I've been in this field longer than you have Lavris, I can tell when something is fishy, especially when dark magic is being used. Call it intuition." [Jason]

"Haha, I guess it just didn't happen to work when the boss caught us huh?" [Lavris]

"Shut up, he's a weird guy. Anyways let's report it." [Jason]

The two cloaked men left the places they were stationed at and proceeded to meet up at the orphanage separately as to avoid any suspicion if Gilford where to catch of their existence. It was nearing the end of the day they decided to wait until morning to avoid waking up the orphanage and waiting at the building across from the entrance. 

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