Chapter 2: Parting

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                                         10th Month of the Yumas Calendar

Upon hearing their conversation Claudia could be seen in relief that she didn't have to declare her name vocally and her long time friend was able to recognize her. Claudia immediately interjects and conveys her current predicament.

"Alicia... I don't have much time. I'm currently being pursued by known assailants." [Claudia]

Alicia is troubled by this matter, as her long time friend is being pursued by people, they must be knowledgeable in the art of murder and subterfuge if they were to put Claudia in this state if high tension. Alicia decides she should help her friend in any way possible.

"Claudia! Robin wake up the guards we must gua-" [Alicia]

Claudia immediately stopped that statement. A sight full of worry can be seen on Claudia's face as she slowly walks closer to Alicia, under the overhang safe from the rain. Claudia slowly unravels the cloth on Clover's face.

"This here is Clover, mine and Oliver's only child and son." [Claudia]

Alicia looks at Clover with tender eyes full of care, and she then looks at Claudia with eyes indicating sorrow. Alicia knows what might come next in the conversation, nor did she want to hear it. Being a priestess of an orphanage and of this city was an occupation that she loved, but she never wanted to gain something from the result of a separation.

"You and Oliver... what happened to little Oli?" [Alicia]

Claudia even in this time and desperation lets out a wry smile as she hears "little Oli". Saddened eyes take over Claudia's face as she remembers the events that took place many moments ago before arriving at Belcroft. She whispers to herself.

"...Little Oli huh...that name was very long ago." [Claudia]

Claudia snaps back into reality and looks at Alicia with a determined look. Claudia makes a desperate request of her old friend.

"Alicia, please take care of Clover, he must survive, and he must live a normal life. I can't stay with him..." [Claudia]

Hearing Claudia's request, Alicia is in shock as to why she said this, Claudia was the type of person that was the kindest of all, it was unheard of to hear to give up on someone, and let alone her own child. Claudia must have been in a desperate situation to have resorted to this.

"I...I... Claudia, but why?" [Alicia]

"Please Alicia! You're the only one I can trust right now. Please... take care of my little Clover." [Claudia]

Desperation could be heard in Claudia's voice as she expresses her intentions towards Alicia. Alicia holds out her hands to reach out to Clover and manages to grab a hold of him. Easing the tension between the two, she talks about Clover's weight.

"O-oof. He's a big baby now is he" [Alicia]

Alicia takes a good look at Clover with his black hair and lumpy baby face, wrapped in cloth.

"Black hair is a rarity around these regions, but he should be raised fine. Okay, my dear friend, you many leave him in my care. But may I ask where are you going to be?" [Alicia]

At that questions Claudia shows a sad face and she realizes she will be very far away from her first born. After she gives Clover to Alicia, Claudia takes a few steps back and then answers Alicia's question.

"If I manage to survive the journey, I will be with Raegul, I believe he can help me." [Claudia]

"Raegul?! In Dragon's Abyss! By god's I haven't heard his name in a while. I've sent letters to him, but I don't think the messenger makes trips over there due to how dangerous it is." [Alicia]

"Raegul was always a man for danger, he's basically drenched in it." [Claudia]

Claudia shows a slight smile as she reminisces her past and all the events that have occurred until this point on. In the distance shounts can be heard and flickering lights getting closer and closer to the entrance of the city.

"Alicia. I'll take my leave now. I do not wish to bring trouble to this beautiful city and draw attention to you. As i've said, I will be with Raegul if I manage to make it to him. Please take care of Clover." [Claudia]

Alicia is internally hurt at the fact that her best friend Claudia is going through with this. Alicia in all her power would try to help Claudia but, Claudia refused all the help. Claudia was a woman of intellect and planning, she knew accordingly that Alicia wouldn't be able to do anything.

"As you say my dear friend, may the gods be on your side. But please, for your son, make sure he has a mother to return to at least." [Alicia]

In a final farewell, Claudia walks up to Clover and kisses him on the forehead.

"You will always be mommy's little boy." [Claudia]

Clover is still conscious of his surroundings, as he was for some reason reincarnated into this universe. Even if he was battle hardened through two millennia in his previous life, he has never felt the familial love of parents. This was his first time receiving this type of affection from a mother, and yet she was going to be gone again. His father was gone as well. His parents in the previous life and his new ones will be apart from him again.

It's as if Clover was destined to never feel the love of a family. As if, it was fate for him to always part ways with the people who are important. Clover thinks to himself, 'why does this always happen to me, why did I have to have a newborn baby's body. I could've done something'

Clover is full of despair at how powerless he is and how he can't protect his new loving parents. He was at the pinnacle of power in his previous life, now reduced to his current state. Tears start to form on Clovers eyes and cries.

Claudia starts to tear up as she watches her baby cry after her final farewell, and Alicia tries to comfort Clover in her arms.

Due to his vocal chords not being able to produce speech yet Clover wasn't able to speak, in Clover's mind he was screaming for his mother not to leave, not to leave him again, but his words aren't coming into fruition. He couldn't do anything.

Claudia backs up faster until she is now not covered by the overhang and is exposed to rain. Claudia turns around and starts running in the opposite direction from the city.

Clover getting tired of crying, cried his heart out, he thinks to himself, 'please be safe mother, I promise I will grow up and become stronger so I can meet you.'

Alicia looks at Clover and whips his tears with the cloth he is wrapped in and snuggles Clover into her arms. Alicia looks over to Robin who has been standing next ot the door in silence the entire time.

"Robin, please get someone to escort me to the orphanage, and tell the head guard to increase patrols around the city. If he doesn't listen to you tell him, "Lightning strikes at midnight." He will know it came from me. I'll be waiting in the guardhouse." [Alicia]

"Yes ma'am, right away ma'am." [Robin]

Alicia shows a satisfied smile and proceeds to walk into the guard house with Clover in her arms.

"My, my, little Clover, I wish for your mother to survive her journey, she's a dear friend of mine. Once your a lot older, if you ask, I will tell you everything." [Alicia]

Alicia is talking to a baby as if she was expecting Clover to not understand anything she has said, but unlike a regular baby, Clover was reincarnated and understood everything she said. At that moment in Clover's mind, he resolved himself to grow up and grow stronger to meet up with his mother. 'I promise mother'. 

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