Chapter 13: Money's Clever Child

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8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

From where Clover was originally standing, Clover reappeared at of thin air.

"Experimentation was a success, optical invisibility by bending light using dimensional magic complete."

Although Clover was unable to move when invisible, just being able to unresponsive to the eyesight in general was an advantage in of itself. If Clover was able to figure out a way to move around while remaining optically unresponsive that would be revolutionary in the magical world and in the stealth world.

Clover got the idea last night when he was starving, he was thinking about the assassins and what the assassins could do to potentially step up their stealth game. So, he came up with the idea of eyesight and senses.

Though Clover was able to be invisible to eyesight, he wasn't invisible when it came to basic aura or smell, that was something that was out of his control usually unless Clover does some experimenting.

"Ugh... I've got a lot to work on huh? It's going to be a busy life. On the other hand, at least I don't have to find information myself, I'll just wait on their messages. Let's work on getting money now." [Clover]

Though Clover said that he would pay them 2,000 Montrice for information, Clover was dead broke with no money to his name.

"Hnng, I work so hard and yet, I'm so poor." [Clover]

Clover realized this fact that he's so damn poor. He never had to make money in his previous life, but it's different now. Clover knew a method to make money. All he needed to do was to hunt monsters and sell there hide on the market. Recently, and very conveniently, Clover has been able to recover a power that was really useful in his previous life. Dimensional Storage.

The storage was directly proportional to the amount of magic power that Clover had which was huge so it was typical that the storage would be enormous. Clover didn't have to chant anything in particular to initiate this power, all he has to do was think of the process of putting something in a place for storage or take something out of storage, and the magic would auto-initiate.

Clover decided to go on a hunting spree and store all the parts to sell for later.

"Hmm... Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something..." [Clover]

Clover wonders if he's forgetting to do something, or just happened to forget something in general, either way, he couldn't come up with anything because his attention is more concentrated on hunting or the fact that he just hired two assassins. Nonetheless, he just continued his hunting.

Back at the orphanage, Lucy and Hazel are making their round around the orphanage changing bed sheets from all the rooms and laundry.

Hazel was in one of the dorm rooms removing the sheets from the bed for cleaning and dusting the room. Likewise, Lucy was doing the same thing but in a more aggressive fashion.

"HORYAHHHH! Take this dust!!" [Lucy]

Lucy was aggressively dusting her room. Swiping the desk, floor, window ledge. The dust was being eradicated from Lucy's presence, it's as if she went to war with dust. Hazel notices the loud dusting.

"Lucy, you're too loud again, Alicia is going to yell at you again." [Hazel]

"HORYAHHHH! The dust shall not exist in my world" [Lucy]

Lucy didn't hear Hazel at all, the aggressive shouting drowned out the low voiced Hazel. In response to this Hazel didn't do anything, she just let Lucy be herself and her room cleansing. Hazel knew that Lucy was having fun cleaning her room, and at least she was cleaning her room instead of messing with the other boys.

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