Chapter 31: Back from the pits

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8th month of the Yumas Calender

Clover shuts his eyes for a few seconds and relaxes his mind.

"I still have a lot of training to do for myself, I got Hazel injured. I got too cocky..." [Clover]

Clover gets up after a few moments of catching his breath. During the fight Clover had his adrenaline going and was on edge, stress was building especially after so many battles one after another. Today was a very eventful day for Clover.

"I should probably get to where everyone is." [Clover]

Clover jumps out of the feeding pit which was absolutely destroyed and slowly shuffles out of the basement area. He becomes more careful of slipping when he reaches the main hall where he destroyed the staircase and makes it outside to the front gate. Clover had the decency to walk through the grass to rub off the blood from his shoes.

Clothes torn, covered in sweat and blood, Clover was very tired. After Clover reached connecting building Clover traveled through the tops of buildings not to arouse too much attention to his appearance.

After hopping around exhaustively Clover arrived at the front entrance of Ironlite and walked in. The shop's bell rings signaling a visitor and a voice can be heard on the second floor.

"I thought I put a closed sign out front" [Clarent]

Angry steps created by Clarent and be heard on the second floor slowly making its way to the stairs and walking down it. Clover realizing that Clarent is here to take care of him collapses on the floor and rests.

"I've... overused... my mana..." [Clover]

Clover whispered this statement as he lays there collapsed on the floor of the blacksmith armor shop. Clarent walks into the floor room yelling.

"The store is close-" [Clarent]

Clarent looks at the floor to find an unconscious Clover laying there.

"Clover!" [Clarent]

Clarent soon realizes as he was trying to wake up Clover is that he is exhausted full of small cuts and bruises. Clarent quickly brings him to the second floor where the rest of the orphanage is resting.

"Hazel! I have Clover, he's exhausted but ok, minor injuries." [Clarent]

Hazel once hearing the call to her from the stairs runs over from her room, and helps Clarent carry Clover.

"Clover..." [Hazel]

Hazel expresses remorse and grief looking at the state Clover is in.

"Here, let's put him on this bed. Are priestess Alicia and Renner up yet?" [Clarent]

"Yes, they are awake but still in bed recovering." [Hazel]

Back when Hazel was injured and Clover held both hands of Hazel and Lucy, they were teleported from the feeding pit to the floor of Ironlite. During that time Clarent heard a familiar voice on the first floor and checked who was there. And there was Hazel, holding an unconscious Lucy.

Back during that time, Clarent was really busy with taking care of everyone, but after Hazel and Lucy appeared out of nowhere in the lobby Clarent immediately got them a bed, even Clarent wonders why this place has so many spare beds. After Hazel set Lucy down, and she was comfortable with her status, she helped Clarent tend to the other people who are bedridden. Minutes after priestess Alicia and Renner awoke from their unconscious state.

Back in present time, Clover was laying in his bed resting from the numerous continuous battles he had previously.

"I'll go check up on them." [Clarent]

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