Chapter 14: A Sense of Income

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8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

Back in the forest, Clover desperately needed the money now since he made a deal with the earlier assassins, and plus he wants to buy a few things from Ironlite, the blacksmith shop he visited yesterday with Hazel.

Throughout the years Clover has grown up in Belcroft, monster hide which is the skin of the monster has always sold for a high or decent price, the rarer the monster the more pricey the hide sells for which what Clover was aiming for. All Clover really wanted was a steady and reliable way to make money.

Clover is traversing the forest on the trees to not arouse suspicion from any hunt below. Traveling in this style was the best way to hunt in Clover's opinion. To sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy and instantly slay them for max efficiency. Clover is just thinking about how much money he could make.

If he had a good amount of money and a way to make money, there are so many things Clover could buy. Potions for healing and magic restoration, other such ailment resistances and antidotes. There are many unique monsters with different physical descriptions, they could have poison, oversized claws, abnormal power, and others. As a result, being prepared with good equipment can determine life or death for a regular adventurer.

In this case, Clover is not an adventurer nor just a regular citizen, Clover was experienced in fighting, and in some cases courts death. A real warhorse. But that was the previous world, now Clover has people that care about him, care about his livelihood and safety. He's not at all as warmongering as he used to be, and he like sit this way.

Not long after traveling, Clover came across a bunch of black colored rabbits with purple eyes.

"Black rabbits, and with purple eyes." [Clover]

Black rabbits are very swift creatures that travel in packs. Particularly easy to kill on its own, but when in a pack they become much more difficult to keep track of. With how swift they are, they can either run away or become extremely aggressive and attack.

Most of the time in groups they use there swiftness and numbers to confuse the opponent and run. But when they are confident they can overpower the opponent, they will take the chance to attack. The fact that the eye color is different now suggests they are a monster. Monsters may be just monsters, but to become a monster they must have some kind of intelligence.

In this situation, Clover has to count the number of black rabbits in the immediate vicinity to determine his best course of action.

"Five black rabbits in a large circle, I'm guessing on the watch for predators and five in the middle feeding on plants or insects." [Clover]

There are 10 black rabbits in total the Clover has surveyed. Five of them in a larger circle keeping watch for any suspicious outside action. The other five are just hopping around munching on anything they could find edible. They are omnivorous but eat meat when they manage to kill something. Nonetheless, they may be just rabbits, they are ultimately still monsters.

While forming the plan to deal with these, the only thing Clover can really think about was money. The fur hide of monsterfied black rabbits sells for a good price. There is a difference between the skin of monsters and the skin of regular animals. The skin of monsterfied animals or monsters, in general, are a lot harder and durable than regular animal skin thus can sell at a good price at armor shops.

"Yosh. Lets kill them and store the hide in my storage and continue hunting." [Clover]

Clover wasn't worried about the parts spoiling in his storage, he's conducted a candle test if time is a variable within his storage. He lit two candles at the same height at the same and placed one in his storage. Once the one outside of the storage melted to a certain point, he took out the one he stored and compared the two.

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