Chapter 5: Back at home

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                               8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

Clover attempts to isolate the space under his foot within his mind, imagine solidifying the space underneath in great detail so he doesn't accidentally freeze his foot also in dimensional magic. This theory should work if he cancels the magic as he takes a step and initiates the magic as if he's stepping on a stair step.

With this in mind, Clover takes a step as if he was walking upstairs and on his first try.

"It failed huh?" [Clover]

His theory didn't work, either he wasn't able to imagine the process well enough, or he was just too naive in the development of new magic.

"Hmmm. Either way, I won't give up in creating this magic, it would be very convenient and I can't just rely on my teleportation all the time, I get motion sick if I use it too much... Damn new body." [Clover]

Clover gets on his knees out of frustration and curses his young underdeveloped body.

"Anyways, it about time I get home, I can use teleportation to reach the passageway in the wall of the town." [Clover]

With that Clover initiates his dimensional magic and teleports to the entrance into the town in an instant and has gotten just slightly motion sick.

"Ugh... This motion sickness is really messing with me..." [Clover]

Clover is on the verge of vomiting, cold sweat can be seen on his forehead and he wipes his mouth and sweat with his shirt.

"I really need to get used to teleporting in this body fast. Can't always be having motion sickness after a bunch of teleports." [Clover]

With this goal in mind, he crawls through the hole in the wall and enters the town of BelCroft.

"Better hurry on up over to the orphanage or priestess Alicia will get angry..." [Clover]

Clover shudders at the thought of auntie Alicia getting angry, though he finds it ironic that he is extremely scared of auntie Alicia even though he's been through hell in his previous life.

While on the way towards the orphanage Clover passes an outside bar filled with customers as it is turning night.

"Hey did you hear that there's been more activity in the nearby forest?" [Waitress]

"Yeah, I heard that there have been traces of human activity out there, though It might be just from the guild." [Customer]

"Mhmm. It might be from them. They are always out and about with their quests and subjugations." [Waitress]

Clover overheard the conversation between the two as he was passing by.

"The guild huh? Maybe I'll check the place out when I'm older. It would look a little weird if an eight-year-old kid walked in on a building with a bunch of hardened adventurers." [Clover]

Clover continues his stride over to the orphanage because he didn't want to to get into trouble at all, he makes it to the front of the orphanage and is always observes the exterior design of the orphanage.

"BelCroft Orphanage huh. I remember the first day I came here. This place is definitely home to me." [Clover]

The building was made out of wood, and glass windows are assorted finely on the first floor and the second floor. A large arch on the front entrance imbuing the orphanage with a feeling of security. The orphanage was designed by a rather skilled architect who loves wood.

Clover treats everyone in this orphanage like family and would love to help everyone in it if they were to encounter trouble. Many sisters and many brothers, and also great priestesses that take care of us. Lucy, Hazel, and Clover are very close in particular. They had a rocky start when they first met, but they managed to become closer than all the rest of the orphanage.

Hazel was shy of Clover and Lucy got mad at Clover over a misunderstanding that Clover was bullying Hazel. This encounter paved the way for a great friendship that is more like family to Clover. Of course, the priestesses are very close mentors as well but, not in the same age group.

Clover walks inside the front door to be greeted by Priestess Alicia.

"Oh, Clover dear, where have you been?" [Alicia]

Priestess Alicia looks at the grandfather clock near the lobby of the orphanage.

"Nevermind that question Clover, get the young ones of your dorm ready, we are about to have dinner in 15 minutes." [Alicia]

Clover sighs in relief 'looks like I made it in time.' Clover thought to himself. Although he could've been here a lot sooner, he was more intuned with eavesdropping at local bars and guild halls to find if there was anything interesting going on around town. Clover bows in respect towards Alicia.

"Yes, Auntie Alicia." [Clover]

"You're definitely a well-grown boy Clover, keep being you." [Alicia]

Alicia has always known that Clover was a good boy, after all, she's raised him herself. After the encounter with her friend Claudia eight years prior, she saw Clover as a son. Claudia and Alicia were the bestest of friends and sometimes even called each other sisters. And thus as promised to Claudia, she would do her best to raise Clover to become a respectable young man.

Alicia smiles at Clover as he resembles Claudia and Oliver, then she walks off to help prepare for dinner.

Clover walks over to the dorm he manages and announces in a loud voice.

"Be ready in five minutes!! Dinner is almost ready!! You don't want to make Lucy and Hazel sad that you're late for their cooking!" [Clover]

In less than three minutes all the children and kids from the dorm Clover manages were instantly out. Clover thinks to himself. 'Ha ha ha. Works every time.' 

In reality, Lucy and Hazel do help with the cooking, but in terms of help they mostly do the chopping and prepping of the ingredients for the chef's to cook. Only rarely do they cook the meals themselves because it is difficult for eight-year-old girls to cook for an entire orphanage.

For some reason, Lucy and Hazel always ask Clover to taste test their creations, but on occasion, they are very good tasting, but most of the time Clover manages to fake a smile, and walk over to his room and pass out for an hour or two. Sometimes Clover has recalled seeing a light in the sky calling to him. 

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