Chapter 34: Words of Parting (2)

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9th month of the Yumas Calendar

"Not necessarily, I'm just reminiscing my life here at the orphanage." [Clover]

Hazel understood Clover's intention and just let him be. Clover was remembering all the memories he has made in this orphanage, though the building is gone, the people who lived here aren't. Clover is extremely grateful for that fact. After about 15 minutes of looking around Clover went towards the back exit entering the field.

The field was relatively untouched due to the grass being well kept, so none of the fields burned at all. Hazel and Clover went to the middle of the field. Clover looked up into the sky observing and is amazed again at how the start could be so beautiful.

Bright dots line the sky as two moons symmetrically next to each other traveling at the same speed across the sky.

"Beautiful aren't they. I've never been out here this late so it's my first time seeing the night sky." [Hazel]

"Yeah..." [Clover]

Truthfully, Clover has seen this night sky many times but is always amazed by it time and time again. Each time he looks towards the stars, he is reminded of his past life, in space.

"Sicily..." [Clover]

"Hmm? Did you say something?" [Hazel]

Clover remembers the time and his arch-enemy of the past who was his only rival.

"Haha, it's nothing." [Clover]

Clover turns his body, now facing Hazel Clover's tone gets serious. Hazel is slightly taken off guard and faces Clover in response.

"Y-yes?" [Hazel]

"I am going to be leaving Belcroft soon. I can't tell you why but, I am going to be leaving for Valraii Forest." [Clover]

Hazel looks at Clover with intent but upon hearing him say that Hazel suddenly looks downward and steps forward closer to Clover. Hazel leans her head on Clover's chest.

While remaining to look down, Hazel spoke to Clover.

"You know Clover, we have been really close friends our entire life, and I do intend to remain by your side. But I feel like you have a purpose in your life..." [Hazel]

Clover remains in his place; standing, listening adamantly to Hazel.

"I feel like you have a greater purpose than to stay here in this city, in this orphanage. Though I sincerely don't want you to go, something is telling me to see you off..." [Hazel]

Hazel's tone of voice shows sincerity and overflowing compassion.

"During my sleep, I would dream of traveling the world with you, eating all kinds of food and becoming integrated into all kinds of different cultures. We would have so much fun..."

A light breeze flows through the field. The grass flows in the breeze and the leaves on the tree rustle. Clover listens intently on Hazel's voice.

"I think it's fine. It might be a long while before I see you again, but be safe when you journey tomorrow and don't forget where you came from." [Hazel]

Hazel backs up and flashes Clover a genuine smile from her heart. Of course, from all the clues over the years, Clover was well aware of Hazel's feelings towards him, but it didn't feel right for him to respond to them just yet. He does hold certain feelings for Hazel, but he wasn't sure what it was exactly.

A feeling of longing... A feeling of romance... A feeling of a genuine family of friendship. Clover didn't know how to respond to these kinds of feelings occurring within him, chewing at him, so he decided it would be best to withdraw from it until the time was right.

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