Chapter 8: A Merchant's Worst Nightmare Pt 2.

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                                      8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

Hazel shows a face full of curiosity towards Clover.

"Oh, yeah, I've just read up on them on my spare time, the orphanage has a really unique collection of books ya know?" [Clover]

"Oh really? I might just read some then. Oh, Clover, what's this black blade encased in a glass over there?" [Hazel]

Hazel walks over to the black blade and stares at it. Clarent walks over to Hazel and Clover.

"Sir Clarent, that blade is corrupted... isn't it?" [Clover]

"Ooom, yeah, I'm shocked that you even noticed that as well, but yes this blade is tainted with strong corruption, it will give the wielder extreme power, but at the same time slowly eat away at the user's mental state." [Clarent]

In truth, Clover didn't really know much about this worlds corruption, he just developed his magic sensitivity through training to be able to analyze magic, to a degree. So far, Clover is only able to determine the state and element of a magic, not how powerful it could be.

"Hazel, I suggest you back away from the sword, it might seem attractive, but you heard Clarent, this sword is very dangerous." [Clover]

Hazel nods in agreement and takes a few steps back, she then walks over to Clover.

"Say, Clover, didn't you want to look at the daggers also?" [Hazel]

"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me Hazel." [Clover]

Clarent standing in the background of those two proceeded to get back into work, he grabbed a spare cloth to the side of the black sword and covers the sword.

"Hmm, that's weird, I could've sworn I covered this blade an hour ago." [Clarent]

While Clarent is being confused as to if he did, or did not cover the blade, Clover and Hazel observe the dagger section.

"This dagger is good for hunting, and this dagger is good for single hand targeting. The texture of the handle seems rough to not lose grip." [Clover]

While Clover is talking to himself, Hazel is just staring and Clover doing assessing the states of the weaponry, she finds it entertaining how Clover is thinking really hard about these types of weapons. After all, boys during these times are interested in all kinds of things.

Clover is thinking about how for the last few years he was training hand to hand combat, also training with weapons. Since he was not allowed nor did he have enough money to buy weapons, he made his own wooden mock weapons in the forest. He knew how to use weapons to their peak performance, it's just getting used to his new body with practicing his sword skills.

While looking Clover looks at a hunting/battle dagger that has interested him.

"Geh! 15,000 Montrice. There's no way a regular hunter can afford this hunting dagger." [Clover]

"You might be right that a regular hunter may not be able to buy this, but I can guarantee you the quality of metal that is used for this dagger." [Clarent]

"What makes this dagger so expensive?" [Hazel]

Clover by his sight alone wasn't able to determine the quality of metal, he didn't have that type of skill in his past life, nor his current one.

"I'm glad you asked young lady. This dagger is made out of pure mithril. But, the main reason why this dagger is so expensive is that since it was made out of mithril, mithril has the unique base quality of being very quick, and self-repairable when sheathed. As one of two running this blacksmith shop, someone who doesn't need repairs, we lose money as a shop. So that's another reason why it's so expensive." [Clarent]

"You do know how to make a profit in the long run... Ripping people off" [Clover]

"I'll take that as a compliment for a shopkeeper and apprentice of a blacksmith." [Clarent]

Clarent lets out a big smile as he realized that he gave a perfect explanation for the dagger and complimented for his businessman attitude.

"Oooooh, very interesting how expensive it is." [Hazel]

Clarent turns his attention to Hazel.

"Is young lady interested in anything in this shop" [Clarent]

Hazel turns to face Clarent and then turns to look at Clover and back at Clarent.

"No, no. I'm ok, thank you though, Clarent" [Hazel]

"It is my pleasure to be of service, I will be behind the counter if you two need me." [Clarent]

"Mhm, Thank you." [Clover and Hazel]

Clover didn't have anything else to do here at the moment, he finished browsing what weapons he could buy later on when he has more money, but he has decided he really does want two of the weapons here.

"Maybe I could hunt everything the forest..." [Clover]

Clover lets out a scary face accompanied by a scary statement that could be misunderstood very easily.

Hazel looks at Clover and jumps a bit, Clover is laughing maniacally, comparable to a man that is scheming something.

"Ummm-m-m. Clover, should we continue on to get you your new shoes?" [Hazel]

"Oh right, thank you Hazel. Let's get going then." [Clover]

Hazel, with Clover following her to the exit of the shop to head over to Steppe's Clothier.

"Come back again!" [Clarent]

Clover nods back and Hazel bows in courtesy.

On the way over to Steppe's Clothier shop, Hazel and Clover make small talk.

"So Clover. Why did you want to visit Ironlite?" [Hazel]

"Mmmm. Well, I was interested in using a sword or a weapon in general, I'm growing older and I need to be able to defend my family if I need too." [Clover]

"Family? Don't we live in an orphanage." [Hazel]

"That's what I'm talking about Hazel. My entire life, I've lived in that orphanage. The orphanage is my home and in fact my family. Lucy, auntie Alicia, priestess Renner, and all the other children. That includes you Hazel." [Clover]

While walking ahead of Clover, and without being seen by Clover, Hazel shows a brilliant smile.

"Is that so Clover. Then we will be in your care when you get stronger." [Hazel]

"Of course! You can count on me!" [Clover]

Hazel and Clover make it to Steppe's Clothier. Clover quickly walks in and buys some durable leather travel shoes.

The reason Clover needed to buy new shoes was that the day before, while training in the forest, Clover accidentally set his shoes on fire testing out a new flame spell he came up with. Clover wanted to test if he was able to secretly cast a flame column spell on the ground using his foot with shoes on.

In turn, the new spell failed and Clover shoes caught on fire along with the brush under his feet, Clover had to quickly put out the brush fire before it spreads to the forest where it'll be out of his hands. To walk, so far, he's been borrowing one of the other boy's shoes in the orphanage.

After putting on his new shoes, Clover shows slight relief as he wiggles his toes in his new shoes. The shoes had an iron edged sole and an iron reinforced tip for extra durability when traveling.

"These new shoes are gonna last as long as I don't set them on fire again." [Clover]

"Come again? Set fire to what?" [Hazel]

"N-nothing. Set fire to a campfire." [Clover]

"Well, you do need fire to survive in the wild." [Hazel]

"You are very correct." [Clover]

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