Chapter 17: Lucy meets Clarent

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8th month of the Yumas Calender

Clover reached into the air and a large portal appeared. Coming out the portal was two small bags filled with unrefined gems. Following the two small bags, an extremely large bag five times the size of Lucy, Hazel and Clover's body mass combined which landed on the ground with a big thud.

"What!!!??" [Lucy & Hazel]

Clover handed over the two small bags of gems to Lucy and Hazel.

"Here you go, I want you two to carry these two bags with unrefined gems. Also, Hazel, I have an extra assignment for you but don't worry, you're good at this." [Clover]

While Clover nonchalantly handed over the two bags as if nothing weird happened, the two girls were in a state of mixed emotions. Awe and confusion. Their faces show them all. As if they managed to reach all eight stages of grief in a matter of seconds.

"H-h-h-how did you do that!?" [Lucy]

"T-t-t-those bags just came out of nowhere?!" [Hazel]

Clover shines a puzzling look towards the two girls.

"Do what? And yes, I just grabbed these bags out of my pocket dimension." [Clover]

Lucy and Hazel after a few seconds to process what was going on realize their curiosity for an answer to what Clover just did. Instead of having a more shocked emotion than before, they out on an excited face. In fact, they really wanted to know what their friend Clover just did.

"The little pocket dimension thing! How did you do that??" [Lucy]

Hazel also agrees with Lucy's question accompanied by a nod. She also wants to know the answer to that question and as strongly as Lucy does. They both suddenly walk up to Clover with beaming eyes of curiosity which forced Clover to step back a little.

"Ehh? It was just magic though. Is it that special?" [Clover]

"M-A-G-I-C?? Did I hear that correctly Lucy?" [Hazel]

"Yes, you did Hazel, he did indeed say magic." [Lucy]

They both stare at each other with the hands to their chin as if they were thinking hard about something.

"Ummm. Did I do something wrong?" [Clover]

Hazel and Lucy after thinking for a good minute while also staring at the big bag and the two smaller bags filled with smaller gems, moved their attention back over to Clover. Clover is confused and concerned. He doesn't know what he did that caused Lucy and Hazel to behave this way.

"No. No. You didn't do anything wrong, Clover. It's just that you know how to use magic." [Hazel]

"Yeah, just like what Hazel said, you know how to use magic. Only the staff at the orphanage can use magic, the other kids including us, haven't been taught to use magic yet. So it was just shocking that you know how to use it." [Lucy]

Clover forgot the fact that no other kid at the orphanage knows how to use magic but him, all the staff are able to use it to some degree including auntie Alicia and priestess Renner. Too Clover he totally overshadowed this fact.

"Oh... really. Well. I thought using magic was normal when I first saw it when I was a kid." [Clover]

"Yes to a degree it is normal for adults, but magic development and training doesn't start until around twelve. It is this way because that's the time when most people develop enough mental stability to use magic." [Hazel]

"Hazel, we weren't even taught that in class, how did you know that?" [Lucy]

"Priestess Alicia and Priestess Renner allow me to get books now and then from the library." [Hazel]

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