Chapter 4: Into the Forest

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                                                 3rd Month of the Yumas Calendar

Clover did consider telling the other kids about the secret passageway since it was dangerous for other kids to go out. Unlike the other kids of his orphanage, Clover has been training his physical body and his magic, though the magic in this world is different from his previous universe, the theories and techniques applied from his previous world also work in his current one.

Since he was in the beginning stage of practicing magic because of his new body he has trained vigorously since he was six, so far the development of two years of training has yielded significant results.

Clover jogs over to his secret passageway through the wall of the city into the forest nearby. Clover is making sure to keep track of the location of the sun to determine when it is a good time to head back home to manage the younger children for dinner.

"I should be back right before sunset, that's usually when the forest gets extremely dangerous anyway, and it's dinner time, I don't want to get auntie Alicia or priestess Renner mad at all." [Clover]

Clover feels a shiver down his spine as he thought of all the previous punishments he's been through in the past years. Endless spanking, no dinner for three weeks, laundry duty for six months. The list goes on and on, the limitless creativity when it comes to punishments of the two head priestesses is unfathomable.

"I don't want another endless spanking." [Clover]

Clover has started walking through the forest, but to pick up the pace to save time for his training he decided to practice his physical parkouring skills without the use of his magic as assistance. Though he could get to his destination that is about seven miles away a lot faster with the use of magic, he deemed it necessary to practice, since he was still a growing boy.

He decided that running on the ground and parkouring would be too easy for someone of his ability and made a requirement to travel while never touching the ground, hence he traveled by jumping through the trees.

The sun was rather radiant today, but the shade from the leaves of the trees covered most of the ground below including Clover who was traveling treetop to treetop. Clover also found it advantageous to travel by treetop more often because it would allow him to practice his maneuvering in a restricted three-dimensional environment and developing his muscles for rapid movement between objects.

Another advantageous reason for his traveling from treetop to treetop was that Clover could survey the forest from above and determine that if something did happen to appear in front of him, he could observe and determine if it was a threat to him and the city. Most of the things Clover has encountered in the forest was either wild animals, people, or monster's ranging from low to medium-low caliber.

The people within the forest are usually ranging from hunters, gatherers of herbs for medicinal potions, adventurers from the city, or cartographers. Most of the people encountered traveled in pairs or in a party of three to five. There was always the concern of having more people will attract more attention, so they try to keep it to a minimum if necessary.

The monster's of the forest posed no real threat to Clover nor the city, as they were of low class. Not that they wouldn't hurt anybody, it is just that the city Belcroft was enormous compared to your typical city and very well populated with guards and adventurers and had a high defensive wall since it is a border city. Other than your typical civilians these monster would still be capable of killing, but Clover wasn't your typical civilian. Clover was a reincarnated expert, more than an expert, an incarnation of destruction.

Dissimilar to his previous life, the Clover of now is severely underdeveloped when it came to his previous supremacy over the arts, though he has retained the knowledge and memories of his previous life, he cannot put most of them to practice because of his young stature, but once Clover's body begins to mature, he will be able to walk the path to the pinnacle of power once again. Clover knew this.

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