I'm Gonna Miss This

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The following week flew by and my final day in England had come around far too soon.

Katie wanted me to move to Australia as soon as possible in order to get my career started as quickly as possible.

The boys were unfortunately busy with meetings all day so Lizzie decided to take me out for lunch as a sort of goodbye thing. I really wanted to spend my last day with Brad but sometimes these things don't always work out.

"wear something nice!" Lizzie shouted down the hall.

"OK!" I responded before flicking through my almost empty wardrobe. I had packed nearly everything apart from some clothes so I only had those to choose from.

I soon decided on a plum skater dress with black tights and black ankle boots.

I left my hair wavy and applied some makeup that I had in my hand luggage case as it was easier to get to.

I then quickly grabbed my phone and purse and met Lizzie at the front door.

Half and hour later and we arrived at Nandos. We ordered our food and sat at a table near the back.

"I still can't believe you're leaving tomorrow." Lizzie said just before our food arrived.

"I know, it's come round so quick! you better come visit though!" I warned Lizzie jokingly.

"Of course! I've always wanted to go to Australia and now I have an excuse!" She laughed before we decided to start eating our food.

A few hours had passed and Lizzie was really dragging out our lunch date. I didn't question it however, I knew she probably wanted us to spend as much time together as possible before I had to leave in the morning.

"Lizzie, can we go soon? I think the boys are getting back soon and I really want to spend time with them as well." I complained, not wanting to sound too rude.

"Not yet." lizzie replied simply before checking her phone. I frowned at Lizzie but decided to just go with it for the sake of her happiness.

"Should we get desert then?" I asked Lizzie as I got up to go and order desert. Lizzie nodded and as I walked away, I noticed her talking to someone quietly as she held her phone to her ear.

I ordered the desert for the both of us and returned back to the table just as Lizzie got off the phone.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked curiously.

"Con, they said they just got back. We should go." Lizzie explained as she got up in a hurry.

"What about the desert I just ordered?" I asked as Lizzie grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me out of Nandos.

When we arrived home, my apartment seemed suprisingly quiet considering the boys had said they had gone back there as I had given Brad a key incase he needed to get in and I wasn't there.

"Hello?!" I called out as I wandered into the kitchen. As I did, the boys all jumped out of various hiding places, letting a bunch of hellium ballons float to the ceiling as they did so.

"SUPRISE!" they all shouted as Lizzie stood behind me laughing.

"What is all this?" I asked Brad as he came over to me whilst the others got drinks and snacks out from the cupbaords.

"We decided to have a little going away party for you!" Brad explained as Con turned on the music.

"Thank you guys!" I exclaimed as I pulled them into a hug.

Forever And Always (Bradley Will Simpson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ