Chapter 4 [ Part 1 ]

22.8K 1.2K 339

this is probably the first time I have seen my
story go reached 7k views in less than two
months. thank you, guys

also here's an update! It's short, a filler to
be honest. i pretty much forgot the writing
style i used here, so i'm trying to familiarize
myself again. i'll try updating later to make
up for the days i didn't update.

==== Chapter 4 [Part 1] ====

You gape at your phone, quite stunned actually. Although you have not changed into your pajamas yet and you look pretty haggard right you, your phone seemingly endlessly vibrates on and on as you receive red hearts from the post you just recently put up on your instagram.

You blush as you see a glimpse of the comment sections. Wow, you're so pretty. So Cute! (Y/N), marry me please... You don't know it yourself that you're quite a looker. Lol. Or are they just complimenting you because they're being nice. But since when did I become so popular? You laugh as you shake your head to yourself.

You stare at your phone, staring at the notification while you make yourself comfortable on your king- sized bed. Your chin peacefully rests on your small pillow.

You didn't really think that you'll receive about a hundred hearts in the first full hour of posting a selfie in instagram. You did not since you are not really that active in updating your life in social medias.

One second later, you let out a yelp.

You notice a familiar account giving your selfie post a heart, b— but! Isn't that Alessio?! You click on it, that black display photo; and sure enough, it is Alessio, the handsome lad that caught your eyes few days ago.

He is quite silent and scary, but wow!!! He's really really good-looking. Although he has only one photo posted on his instagram feed— the photo is actually hilarious since Alessio, with a serious face, is eating a hotdog there on a bench in a park that does not seem to be familiar.

You are actually pretty confused why Alessio chose that photo — But damn, the cold, stoic man has hundreds of thousands followers in Instagram.

212k to be exact.

What is he? An instagram model or something like that? You click on that photo as you focus on it with squinting (E/C) eyes. You blush when you realize that you've been staring at him. You look away.

But wow, I did not even know that he was following me.
Did he follow me yesterday?— or earlier? You tilt your head as you press the home button. Alessio also hearted one of my posts, so he is really following my life?! You feel your cheeks go warm red at the assumption you' ve formed.

You shake your head.

Maybe Alessio just happened to see it, and he happened to accidentally double click my post, hearting my post in the process. You may be so negative with having that thought, but it's better than assuming such impossible things.

You shake your head once again, not wanting to trouble yourself anymore with useless pondering. Heaving out a soft sigh, you lock–screen your phone as you eventually decide to take a quick shower.

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