Chapter 1 - Huntress

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He traces his fingertip across the Isomacium forged blade of Crocea Mors, able to feel every single groove where the ancient Arkhoni Markings have been engraved onto. He can see exactly where the light shimmered from, and every now and then as he touches it, there is a very slight shimmer. It could not be the reflection of the sunlight – since the window and the sun are not in reach of the blade itself.

His large blue eyes focus on the blade...wondering constantly what its secrets are.

Why was it passed down to me?

Who is the Final Knight?

Is it me?

Is it one of my sisters?

Did my parents know about whatever that man said? My great...great grandfather how many times over?

Before he can wonder any further, he lifts his head at Nora and Ren who have both fallen asleep after keeping their eyes on their friends the whole night. Nora mumbles as she sleeps with her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, then her head slips from his shoulder. And she gasps with a snort as well, looking around as she jolts awake. Then she sees Jaune awake as well, with that same smile on his face as ever.

She takes a powerful inhalation of air when seeing him awake, and she punches Ren in the shoulder – pretty hard as well. "Ow!" Ren exclaims as he presses his hand to his shoulder, snapping back into the realm of the awake. Then he sees Jaune sat upright and his eyes widen with disbelief, and he immediately gets up at the same time as Nora. Whom instantly wraps her arms around him, and he yelps as she squeezes him tight with her freakishly unnaturally strong arms.

"You're okay! By the gods!" Nora squeaks with ecstatic joy as she bounces up and down like a crazy Kangaroo.

" you too Nora...can you please stop crushing me?" Jaune strains as his face starts to turn purple and his voice becomes harder to decipher as he struggles in her grasp.

"Oop!" She squeaks, releasing him and colour returns back into his face and he sighs with relief, looking up at Ren to see him with a kind...yet saddened look on his face. Then he looks at Nora, and sees the same expression.

Neither he or Pyrrha know of what happened in the courtyard.

What Vir Nominis Umbra has done...

"Guys...what's wrong?" He asks them, and they both sit down beside him with shaken expressions. Their joy did not last was as if that happiness was drained from them the moment that they remembered what happened. The sound of the impacts of that hammer against Oobleck's head...the shriek that Raven let out when watching her fiancé die right in front of her eyes.

The things that Vir Nominis Umbra can never be undone, they will never forget the punishment he inflicted upon them. Then they hear Pyrrha waking up as well, groaning as she presses her hand to her head as she rolls round and she looks at Jaune first...then seeing Nora and Ren.

But seeing the looks in their eyes...

"Guys?" Pyrrha whimpers fearfully as she looks at them with teary emerald eyes.

Nora is about to say it, but Ren does it for then she does not have to be the one to break the news. He holds her hand gently, rubbing his thumb across the top of her hand. "Vir Nominis Umbra came here...just after you two and Kassius went looking for the meds to help Yang." Ren reveals and they both look worried. Because they did see him there with Kassius, but they never knew what he did.

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