Chapter 103 - Final Rest

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There was only one Higher Demon left...

They may have had the Whisperer outnumbered, but it was hardly outgunned and could still take them all on. At the end of the day, it was a Higher Demon, and their kind never feared death and never backed down from a fight. Ruby blasted towards the Whisperer who transformed into Roman Torchwick, jabbing Melodic Cudgel into her gut and firing the cannon, blasting her across the floor, before jumping towards her and smashing the curved handle down against the side of her face.

Blake swung forward and threw both her feet into the side of the Demon's face, staggering it but as she slashed her sword, Wilt and Blush suddenly blocked and deflected the incoming blows with intense precision. He laughed through Adam's voice as he backed up, before jumping up in the air and driving his Crimson Sword down into the ground, creating a powerful red pulse that knocked her backwards. Then his hair glowed bright red and he swung Wilt and Blush, everything turned red as he used Moonslice against Blake, narrowly missing her when Yang threw a large rock in between them.

The rock crumbled into dust against the raw power of that attack, and the Whisperer grinned with gritted teeth as it walked towards them. "Come on then, Yang! Do you think you're any faster than you were at Beacon?" It asked her, Yang gasped, her eyes widened, and she felt her cybernetic and human hand shudder at the mere memory, still affected by that night even now. The Whisperer chuckled, shaking its head. "We thought not."

The Whisperer fired Wilt and Blush towards Yang, who crossed her arms together as the sword shot towards her, and the impact sent her tumbling across the sand. The Whisperer grabbed Yang by the throat and lifted her off the ground with ease, slowly crushing her throat in its hand as it stared at her with that evil grin on its face. "Get off her!" Kassius roared, he suddenly launched Lash Equinox towards the Demon which broke the arm apart into shards of glass. Yang fell and caught her breath as her boyfriend sprinted towards the Higher Demon and punched it across the face.

Adam's face broke apart, but as it came back around it caught Kassius' sword in its hand, staring down at him. The face shifted and transformed into Kelham who grinned down at him. "Oh not you again." Kassius growled, then the Whisperer swung its boot into his chest. The Whisperer stood still as it looked around, noticing it was being completely surrounded by everyone. It laughed cunningly, and then they all charged forward.

Weiss launched across the dunes of sand and ash and she stabbed at the Higher Demon with Myrtenaster, but it caught her by the wrist and threw her towards Ruby and then it blasted itself up into the air. Fire and red lightning channelled through its body as it held out its arms, but as it floated above them, it turned as Summer shot up towards it in a shining flurry of white petals.

The Whisperer threw its arms out, creating a huge pulse of energy, fire and red lightning cracked through the sky and it knocked Summer out of the air, and she crashed down into the ground. She pushed herself back up, staring at the Higher Demon.

"Summer?" The voice of Qrow Branwen gasped, she looked at him and stared right into his wide red eyes. It felt like they locked eyes for an eternity, but the sound of the Higher Demon slamming back down against the ground broke the moment between the two lovers. Qrow immediately sprinted towards the Demon and he threw himself towards it with Summer, both swinging their scythes down towards it, until suddenly its body shifted into Taiyang, staring up at them with an uncharacteristic smirk as he stopped both their weapons with his hands.

They both gasped, feeling such tragedy in their hearts, but also hatred against the Whisperer for using him against them in such a cruel way. The Whisperer slammed Qrow down against the ground before throwing Summer upwards, and punching her in the back, sending her back down the dunes. The Whisperer turned to Qrow and grabbed him by his hair, he yelled with pain and anger as the Whisperer yanked his head back, staring down at him. "You were always nothing more than a failure and a disappointment to their family." The Whisperer snarled in his friend's voice.

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