Chapter 78 - The Drift of Wandering Star

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After so long... Team R.W.B.Y were reunited once more.

Their leader looked at Yang and Weiss with both disbelief and joy in her silver eye, Weiss and Yang both smiled at her as they stood there. They had never looked so healthy, and their aura was even visible thanks to the cure that the Witches managed to concoct. "I... I can't believe it..." Ruby giggled with happiness, turning to see the hero himself – the Architect – who managed to make this whole thing be possible. The Architect was injured after his clash against the Prometheus Squad, sparks leaked from his open wounds, but he was still functional. He fell to one knee, but he looked at Ruby and gave her the thumbs up.

Mazen stood beside him with his Chainsword in hand, looking at him. "Stay back, Architect. You've done more than any of us could have asked of you, repair yourself. We will handle the rest." Mazen assured, and the Architect chuckled as he nodded his head, crouching down behind some cover.

"Yeah... Yeah, sure... that sounds grand." The Architect agreed, keeping his Rifle close, charging it up so then he could still fight from a distance if he needed to.

Ruby wanted to just hug the Architect for making that suicide run to save her sister and best friend, but they still had a massive battle to win. Whitley stood tall, smoke trailed from the scorch marks across his body and he stared straight at Weiss. "You... you should be dead." Whitley hatefully snarled at her; Weiss' eyes widened when she stared at the giant robotic body that he was inside of. That was no Juggernaut Suit, it was a Robotic Paladin, just like the ones that Watts' Black Queen Virus infected back at Beacon seven years ago.

"Whitely?" Weiss gasped. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Oh yeah, you guys kinda missed some stuff." Ruby said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Uh... like what?" Yang asked.

"Ortega's on our side now, he shot Whitley in the face, the whole Fall of Arkhonex stuff, Jaune's Sword, Oscar being made by Ozpin with the Relic... you know... all the good stuff." Ruby said with the shrug of her shoulders, and Weiss scoffed.

"Well... I guess you can fill me in on the details when we're through this mess." Weiss said as she spun Myrtenaster through her fingers, and Yang slammed her fists together. The Acolytes of Lien immediately opened fire on them, and Team R.W.B.Y charged in unison, Ruby blasted up into the air and so did Yang, launching high in the air and launching herself down towards the Mercenaries. Yang pummelled her fist down with all her might, so hard that the tarmac shattered like fragile glass. The hard rock crumbled into dust around her, fire and shrapnel thrown high into the sky. The soldiers screamed as the golden beauty attacked them, she swung upwards and punched the soldier up into the air, so hard that his helmet was thrown straight off his head. Yang stared at the soldier as he plummeted down towards the ground, winking at him before she slammed her fist down into his face with explosive force.

The soldier crashed down into the ground, knocked unconscious and lucky that the attack made by Yang Xiao Long did not kill him instantly. Yang turned and crossed her arms over each other, blocking an incoming incendiary round from one of the soldiers firing at her. The fire crackled around her body and her powerful aura, smirking as Ruby suddenly shot down overhead and she slashed straight through the soldier, slicing through the armour plating that he wore. The soldier died instantly, but Ruby spun the huge scythe fast to deflect the incoming bullets, and Yang sprinted alongside Ruby.

"Sunflower!" Ruby called out, and just like old times they still answered to their team attack names. Both of the sisters blasted towards the Juggernaut who sprinted at the pair. He extended a long burning blade, slashing it towards them both but Ruby jumped over it whilst Yang slid under the attack made by the massive soldier. They both rose up behind the soldier, and Yang landed on the curved blade of Crescent Rose. Ruby swung around and fired Yang towards the Juggernaut, and she punched through the armour with great force, shattering it from one punch, knocking the soldier out from the suit, tumbling across the ground. He immediately aimed his pistol at them both, but Ruby shot the soldier in the head with Crescent Rose in its rifle form.

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