Chapter 58 - An Admiral's Duty

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The Android walked with the four Mercenaries on their journey to the Spire, it was closer, and yet it still felt like it was miles away.

Penny turned and a smile grew across her face as she held her hand out to a colourful butterfly which danced over to her, fluttering it wings gently, before it landed upon her curved fingers. With such adoration for life itself, she gently stroked its tiny fluffy body, speaking softly to the tiny animal. "Hey, little guy... you're really pretty." She said to it as they walked, Melanie glanced at the Robotic Huntress as she looked at the small animal. Even the smallest things brought Penny joy, the ants that would march through the forest of grass, the way that Deer would walk through the meadows to feed on the vegetation surrounding them.

As Penny walked with the Butterfly resting on her finger, Junior looked at Ortega as they walked. Ortega shouldered his Sniper Rifle, always ready to fire it at any moment. These buildings were always prime locations for an ambush, from the Grimm and the Acolytes of Lien. It would be what he would do if he had the same opportunity. "So, boss? What about the rest of the Acolytes of Lien? The ones you commanded to hide? It's clear that all of Kelham's forces are here in Arkhonex, we could end it here. Take them all out and convince the others to join our side." Junior suggested, but it was clear that it was just an echo of what Ortega was already planning.

"That's the plan. But we need to be smart, strike at the right moment. End of the day he has more firepower than we do, and he has the Drift of Wandering Star. If we mean to take them down, we need to get that Airship back under our control." Ortega explained, he was always one for risky military strategy, most likely the reason behind why he was never accepted into any other Militaries after he rose the ranks and became a leader.

He liked to gamble... but they did not always go the right way... like working with Jacques Schnee.

The last thing he expected was that the S.D.C were working with Salem, and worse – Vir Nominis Umbra.

"So... we're going to help them? Take down Jacques Schnee and... Umbra?" Junior asked, that caused him to pause and he sighed.

"You know... I used to be terrified of them. The Knights of Grimm? Whenever I saw any of them, Death especially, I froze and I stammered. I felt fragile and weak, but when I saw the footage of how these people – kids – managed to take them down. Rip them apart, destroy them time after time – it surprised me, and reminded me of something..."


"That just because someone, or something, seems like it is unstoppable, that usually means they are hiding the fact that they are not. Nothing in this world, in any world or universe, is unstoppable. Vir Nominis Umbra may be close, but even he – has a weakness. I know it."

"How can you possibly know that?"

Ortega stopped and he chuckled, pointing at the name that was on the sign. Usually they could not translate the Hieroglyphics, but in this case they could tell what that name was. "Ask them. All of this decimation happened because they uncovered something they shouldn't have done. Something that scared Umbra... what else could possibly scare Vir Nominis Umbra, than the truth of what he is? Of his weakness?" Ortega asked, pointing at the symbol and name – Emerais.

Of all the Lords of Arkhonex, it was Sylens Emerais that was the most unnerving, all because people knew very little about him and what his family did.

"Was that what made you start to think you were on the wrong side?" Junior inquired, Ortega glanced at him and sighed.

"I was wrong – I was stupid enough to think that once the Acolytes of Lien were repaired thanks to Jacques' funds I could break off from him. Offer our services to others... but he started to use my personal history against me. Pyrrha Nikos, Kelham... or simply twisting the truth. And seeing what the Knights of Grimm did to innocents, it was wrong. I couldn't stand by and let this happen any longer, and I could never be a part of it. I don't know if I am beyond redemption by now, but I don't care for redemption. I just want to make sure that Remnant does not suffer for my own stupidity." He snarled with anger, Hei Xiong stared at his Commanding Officer, Ortega was never one to lie about himself, to try and make himself out as the good guy.

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