Chapter 50 - The Whispers of Arkhonex

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He stood there, his back leant against the cracked grey cement of the old destroyed building, the Bullhead landed nearby. Vegetation had started to claim the old Valerian Expansion City, and he kept spinning that Spiralled Dagger through his fingers. His long fluffy Fox Tail flicked as Kardas dropped down from the rooftop where some of their sharpshooters where nestled. Every now and then a shot cracked off as Grimm started running their way, only to get picked off one at a time by the skilled White Fang Militants.

The huge Hyena Faunus approached him with his duel knives being shoved back into their scabbards on his belt. It seemed like he changed his weapons all the time, to whatever it was he found at the time. Unlike most, who had a certain weapon to be used, he did not. Corsac glanced at the maniac who approached him and he exhaled through his nose as he looked around. "This is a good location, good idea picking it out." Corsac said to Kardas.

"I was once part of the White Fang, a long time ago. I fought alongside that man...Roman Torchwick...he wanted to use the trains like bombs, or torpedoes in a way. Until those damn brats showed up and ruined the fun." Kardas scoffed, they all looked up at the still completely desolate and decimated peak of Mountain Glenn. The scars from the Grimm King Wyvern were still ever present in the mountain, and it was as if they could still hear the howling roars even then. Corsac stopped spinning his dagger through his fingers.

"You were part of this operation?" Corsac inquired, he remembered those old days but he was never present at the operation itself.

"As I said, days long past. Roman Torchwick is dead, Adam Taurus is dead, your brother is dead." Kardas listed as he walked around the area whilst the other Faunus kept the area secure from investigating Creatures of Grimm. The moment he mentioned the death of his brother, Corsac froze and shot a stern glare at Kardas. But he was not fooling him, he was not intimidating him, and that was what scared Corsac about Kardas. The Hyena would just laugh, it was all he did...he was truly a madman.

He did not follow Corsac here for revenge, no he came here for blood.

Nothing more, and nothing less.

"I was down in the caverns, now completely caved in, got knocked out by the Blonde one." Kardas explained, and Corsac sheathed his Spiralled Dagger into the sheath on his belt.

"That's the one I'm after. Stay out of my way." Corsac demanded and the Hyena laughed maniacally.

"Worry not, Fox...I don't care for revenge. Faunus or Human it doesn't really matter to me anymore, I just wanna hear them scream. Scream the way I screamed..." Kardas snarled as he scratched his arms, and he looked at them. Corsac started to piece it all together and he pulled his sleeve back to reveal the scarring underneath it. Kardas suddenly glared at him, his golden eyes glowed bright in the night, and he snarled viciously before be swung his head straight into Corsac's. "Back off!" He yelled, but Corsac saw it...the sewing...the burns.

" were a test subject like Anto was? Weren't you?" Corsac asked him and he nodded his head with a growl.

"Once I was...we were taken from our cells by a Human Scientist." Kardas explained as he walked past the knocked over Albain Brother who wiped the grime from his face. He got up as the Hyena approached one of the crates and he sat down with a sigh. "His name was Merlot, a professor who never showed his face to us in person, only ever saw a hologram of him. He had his machines do terrible tests on us...he was trying to create soldiers that had dust infused into their bones. To make them stronger..." Kardas explained as he rolled up his sleeve to show the deep scars that were covering his forearm. Corsac stared at them with widened eyes.

"I saw some of Anto's...he is the same?" He asked Kardas, both of which had no idea that Penny killed him at Argus.

"Anto was better...his Warthog Genes made him so much stronger than me...I'm a Hyena, so I am strong on my own, but my body could not handle the procedure. So instead of killing me, he stopped, left the scars, and sent us both back to the prison. It worked for him...but then his facility was destroyed." Kardas explained, and Corsac scoffed. Yet another time of which that Team R.W.B.Y caused this man so much pain, they put him in the prison that caused him to be tormented, and left him scarred after they destroyed Merlot's Base on the island.

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