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The Cross Continental Transmit Service started to show the same thing across the world, even in Atlas and Mantle, however there was nothing Jacques or his forces could do to stop it.

Everyone stared at their televisions, their scrolls, their computers, the large holographic screens in the streets.... Everywhere. Ruby nervously touched the back of her neck as she stood before them, closing her silver eye and blowing out a breath. She still had bandages and has her arm resting on a crutch, but despite her wounds... she was still delivering the message.

The warning to the world.

"Hello... I... My name is Ruby Rose. I'm not very good at this kind of thing, heh, public speaking. But... what I am about to tell you is very real, and very frightening. But you all deserve to know." She began.

Saphron and Terra watched from the Hospital in Vale, Terra still recovering from the Horridus Morbus disease, and now that it had been cured, little Adrien could be with his mothers again.

"There is a terrible danger coming, in two days time to be exact. An enemy we are all awfully familiar with. The Grimm – however this is not like anything we have ever known. In secret, I... my friends... my family and many other brave souls have fought and died in a conflict none of you have known the truth of. But you have been seeing the effects of our war for an exceptionally long time now. The Fall of Beacon? The Fall of Mistral? The destruction of the Volcanic Chain Isles? Vacuo being taken over by the Grimm? The Horridus Morbus Outbreak? The Deaths of the Council and Jacques Schnee taking over Atlas and Mantle? All the battles raging in different places across the globe? We have been fighting against the common enemy... his name – is Vir Nominis Umbra."

From the Hospital, Ida and Victor Watts watched the Live Feed of Ruby's Pre-Recorded Speech. Victor closed his eyes with grief, knowing his Nephew was one of the people who was part of this genocidal campaign an exceptionally long time ago. "We don't really know what he is, but we know he is not human, and evil to his very core. He has three Demonic Entities as well, and four others – the Knights of Grimm. We have seen all the footage on the internet of them, all the theories. It's all true, the Knights of Grimm are real. The Higher Demons are real. And right in the middle of this war."

"In two days time – Vir Nominis Umbra is going to unleash a terrible force on the entire world. Called the Oncoming Shadow, an army of unending hordes of Grimm. It... will be... extremely bad. Our Kingdoms, all our defences? I am not going to lie to you... a lot of people are going to die. Maybe over half our population, maybe more."

People started to become terrified, but Ruby's words started to instil some courage into their hearts. Even in Mantle, Robyn Hill watched the feed with wide eyes as she learned all of this information.

"But... despite all of this? I have hope – more than I have had in a very, very long time. Because we have a plan. We learned a lot in the past few weeks, and we believe we have found a way to kill Vir Nominis Umbra once and for all." Ruby explained as she smiled. "You see – there is more we have hidden from you. Our Academies? At Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas? They have Vaults, ones that are hiding these ancient Relics... these little pebbles... ones that keep the world... our universe... spinning. If Vir Nominis Umbra gets his hands on them, he will destroy them, and everything will cease to exist. But we have our hands on three, and Atlas has the fourth. There is a place we can take them, where he cannot touch them, and we can use that time to kill him. When Vir Nominis Umbra is dead, the Grimm will die with him." Ruby promised.

"Believe me... I remember when I first heard all of this. I thought old Professor Ozpin was talking crazy." Ruby laughed. "But this is no prank, I do not want you all to not know about the day that is coming. The Grimm will focus on the major Kingdoms when the Shivering Dominion begins. If you do not want to fight, and want to try your luck out there in the wild? Then you are more than welcome to go, nobody will judge you, nobody will stop you. But if you wish to help us? To help hold the Oncoming Shadow back for as long as you can so we can kill him? We will have a chance." Ruby explained.

The Knights of Grimm - Act 4 - Whispers of ArkhonexTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang