Chapter 72 - Arcturus Base - Pt. 2

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Qrow and Kragen both stood tall with wide eyes as they saw the bright golden light of the explosion, the very one that Starla single-handedly caused with her Bow. "Uh... Nora is still here with us, right?" Kragen wondered as they both stood there, which made Qrow chuckle. They both looked down the edge of the Balcony where they saw the Combat-Ready Nora Valkyrie down below.

"What was that?" She called out to them with Ren and Blake running out beside her, weapons at the ready. Blake unsheathed Gambol Shroud as she stared ahead, her ears perked up to the direction of that massive explosion.

"I don't know, but it looks like we have a friend on the inside. This is it; this is our best shot." Kragen told them all, and Qrow vaulted over the balcony and he landed next to Nora. He looked at her and he smiled.

"You ready?" He asked her, she grinned and nodded her head. Qrow held her hand and he stared ahead, and his eyes glowed bright red, then he transformed into his Spirit Animal. One who knew how to use their Spirit Animal could bring another soul with them but only one, and he had the aura and strength to take Nora to where they had planned their attack. His Crow flew with great speeds towards the warzone that was still brewing up inside. Massive flames and pillars of smoke rose from the Headquarters where Starla blew up those fuel silos, and Qrow moved faster and faster, and he approached the Southern Gate, and once he was close enough, he transformed back into Human Form.

"Go!" Qrow yelled, swinging Nora with all his might and Nora grinned, firing off towards the wall with Magnhild held in her hands. One of the soldiers turned with horrified eyes, the giant pink Huntress held her hammer all the way back, channelling all the energy needed to topple down that gate for them all to get through.


On the other side of the Gate.

Two soldiers glance at each other, completely unbeknownst of what is coming for them. The Soldier on the right turned to the one on the left. "Hey." The Right started.

"Yeah?" The Left replied.

"You ever wonder why we're h-"


The Gate erupted and shattered behind them.

"-AAAAAAAAASH!" Nora cheered as she slammed her hammer into the gates, and the explosive impact shattered the steel like glass. The doors fell to the ground with great force, and Nora rode the sheet of steel as it crashed and slid across the tarmac, leaving sparks in her wake. The other soldiers, unprepared for an attack turned with wide eyes as Nora held Magnhild over her shoulders. "Hello, boys. Love to chat, but we're here for our BUDDIES!" Nora yelled, as she fired multiple glowing pink grenades from her grenade launcher. The soldiers dispersed in fear from Nora Valkyrie, some of them jumped out of the way from the explosives that came for them. Pink balls of fire erupted where they stood, throwing some of the thugs up in the air.

Those hit by the explosions hit the ground and Nora stared at the soldiers as they all began to rush out from their barracks. Nora transformed Magnhild back into its Hammer Form, and she leapt towards the soldiers to take them down. Qrow transformed and he rolled past her, swinging Harbinger upwards, cutting across the armour plating on the Captain's Chest Piece. He grunted and was thrown backwards from the attack, sparks thrown up into the air as the huge sword attacked him.

Qrow spun Harbinger through his fingers, deflecting the incoming bullets whilst Nora charged forward. She swung Magnhild over her head and slammed it down into the ground, causing the tarmac road to crack and crumble with pink energy travelling through the fissures. The incoming Bikers that roared towards them suddenly were thrown off the bikes, sending the Motorcycles flipping over their heads and crashing into the ground behind them. One of the soldiers drew his sword and swung it at Nora's face, only for her to duck and swing all the way around, yelling as the huge hammer smashed into his chest. The sheer blunt force of Magnhild broke apart the armour with incredible ease, throwing the soldier across the huge facility.

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