Chapter 19 - Chapel Clash

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Thousands of years of knowledge flowing straight into his mind, the mind of anyone, is likely to cause problems. Jaune collapses to the ground as the magical aura from the Visionary Book courses through him like electricity, inflicting a very similar sensation, a buzzing feeling or a biting pain over various areas of his body. Head pounding, he cannot stop the desperation to press his hand against the side of his head, hearing the whispering voices of the people of Arkhonex in his mind.

"They're coming!" A young Arkhoni female voice cried out desperately, roars of the Grimm echoing in his mind along with the wails of civilians and a baby.

"Get them inside!" The voice of Vyrryk yelled, and as Jaune lifts his head his bleary eyes focus ahead of him, unable to see things clearly. The memories of his ancestor and his own vision being morphed together into one. Vyrryk stands at the gates of the Fortress that he saw in his dream, Crocea Mors in his grasp, slashing it across the throat of a Beowulf that lunged at him. Black smoke and embers erupt from its body as it fades away, roaring with fury. He reaches down to a civilian at his side, pulling her up to her feet.

"This...this is it! The end times!" A Knight screamed with terror as Jaune stands up, stumbling around as he stares at the memories, hearing the screeches of Nevermores over his head, blacking out the sun with their sheer numbers as they dive down and decimate the Humans and Faunus.

"Steel yourselves, men! We must get the survivors to the ships, we must send them to the safe zone, the Grimm will not find them through the smog!" Vyrryk yells as he slams the shield of the sword straight across the face of a Creep which lunged straight at him, only to stab the sword right down the top of its head. But behind him is a huge Beringel, bellowing as it leaps towards him from behind to slam both fists down at him...

Until a mace smashed it right out of the air, knocking it across the ground. Jaune groans as he stares at the shattered memories before his very eyes, and it is none other than Vyrryk's fallen brother – Constantine. "Vyrryk! Are you sure they can't follow?" He asks him with concern as he draws his gun and fires it right at the head of the Beringel, sending a strong dust projectile burning through its glowing red eye. He spins his mace through his fingers and smirks, looking back to his brother.

Things clearly changed between them from when Jaune saw them, for they were literally at each other's throats. Vyrryk turns to his brother and speaks, after seeing both of them so young it is quite saddening to see them here, both with grey hairs and wrinkles and scars. The War for Arkhonex, for Remnant at this must have lasted for decades before the final days. Arkhonex probably is an old memory by now, but this must have led to the civilisation that would later become what it is now.

Before the Great War as well.

"It will work, I trust her – Yvette knew what she was talking about!" Vyrryk explains as he stops a fireball from a Manticore that lands down in front of them, roaring savagely with a huge Sphynx gliding overhead, screeching as it summons more Grimm to their location.

"I hope so...because it looks like Vir Nominis Umbra is throwing everything at us. They must really want that sword destroyed." Constantine states as he stares at Crocea Mors, and Vyrryk chuckles with a smirk.

"Good, I hope they are scared. Because we need to keep it protected. Need to make sure it is on that boat, but the civilians are more important." Vyrryk explains, Jaune's eyes wide with disbelief as he stares at them, seeing how different they are. Something big must have been unveiled in this time that he has not seen yet. But as he watches, Vyrryk stares right at Jaune and he storms towards him. "Knight! I need you to find my wife and son! Get them to the ship! Go!" Vyrryk yells as he reaches out and grabs Jaune.

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