Chapter 48 - The Shade

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The Peregrine soared through the darkness of the tunnels, the lack of light was so thick it felt like you could actually touch it.

Kassius stood at the rear of the aircraft, the rear door was open and he held onto the ceiling handle with Vulcan Nox loaded in the other hand. He had been stood there for about half an hour now, long enough for the glow of the distant sun to fade away. Now there were in complete subterranean darkness, underneath the ocean. He still could remember how terrifying the aquatic Grimm were, the things that lurked down here would give them nightmares, and made the whole joke of Neptune being terrified of the ocean far more understandable. The Kraken, the Syrens and the Krastax. Merely stories, at first that was what they thought they were, until they saw the titans.

He never thought he would welcome these huge thick concrete walls that curved around them in thus gigantic tunnel network. He had been stood there, watching to see if the Acolytes of Lien were coming after them. But he never saw them, he never saw a single light from one of their aircrafts pursuing, they never came after them. But even still, he wanted to be sure, but after thirty minutes of nothing – he felt like they were safe from the Mercenaries at long last. "Alright...I think we're in the clear." Kassius said to them as he walked away from the open door. The ramp shaped door closed behind him as he returned to his team, Emerald was piloting the aircraft through the tunnel, Cardin was sat with his mace upon his legs, Coco was cleaning her Chaingun's Barrels and Velvet was sat fiddling with her hair.

Kassius sat down beside Velvet and he rolled his shoulder with a groan, his shoulder popped softly as he did so. Velvet glanced at him but the tension was very clear, just not the kind she had hoped for. She now could not bare to look at Kassius because of her confession, and Kassius knew it. But at the same time he did not want to say a word in case she would get more embarrassed than she already has been. So he looked down at his boots and he kicked some of the dirt from it after he and Emerald made their epic escape from the Acolytes prior.

He looked at them – his team – it was not what he wanted but he never realised how much he missed being in command until he had all of them here. Two of his teammates were once leaders as well, Coco merely wants her teammates back...but Cardin will never get his back. He blew out a breath as he looked at them all. "Everyone alright?" He asked them, since it was a hard fight in Queen's Cove. Velvet silently nodded her head and Coco groaned.

"Yep...hell of a fight though." Coco stated and Cardin nodded his head.

"To put it mildly." Cardin chuckled in agreement, his body was still aching from the battle that he and Emerald endured against Kelham. Something Kassius still does not even know about. But as Emerald continued to take them through the ancient Tunnel system, her red eyes widened and she gasped.

"By the gods..." She said as she slowed the ship down, so Kassius got back up and he walked over to where she was sat and he held the back of her chair, and he saw what she saw. The others saw it too.

"What the hell happened here?" Kassius wondered, they saw a massive barricade formed in front of the road. Luckily they could still pass over it with great ease, but the amount of shattered bones left behind. The weapons that have nearly rusted away as time took them. Huge spike barriers were put up and they were standing their ground...with statues of Grimm left behind. They had all seen what the power of the Silver Eyes could do to Creatures of Grimm. None of them forgot what happened at Beacon and Kassius had seen the power first hand when fighting alongside Ruby.

"Silver Eyed warriors...looks like they were holding the Grimm back when they attacked the city. They must have used these tunnels to evacuate the civilians." Emerald assumed as she slowly took them over the skeletons and the statues. There were hundreds of frozen Grimm, but unlike the Grimm Dragon these ones have been long dead. The Silver Eyed Warriors even managed to fortify their barricade of cars with the statues of Grimm by the looks of it, waited until they were close and unleashed the power of the light in their eyes.

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