Chapter 64 - The Terrible Truth

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The shock... the horror of what they found here in the Councillor's Spire?

It was a unique one, it was both disbelief and horror, but they also felt the feeling of anger and sadness for the poor Councillors. Jaune looked at their skeletons and Kragen sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "They were good people, not perfect by any means... but they wanted to make things right. And were murdered by a man consumed by his own ambition." Kragen growled with anger, but as they stood there, Winter gently touched her forearm, her heart was pounding as she looked around. Because the things that Ezekiel Arc did... it was all too familiar to Jacques.

"This... this is just like my father. How he killed the Councillors of Remnant with that bomb." Winter said with shock, Cinder looked at the Former Atlesian Specialist and she gently placed her hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright, we can beat him." Cinder assured.

"I know... I just wished... that things would have changed. That ambition would stop driving people to do terrible things." She sighed, staring at the three skeletons of once great Lords of Arkhonex, now just left behind where they died. They never even got a proper burial, which made Jaune's blood boil even more.

He was an Arc... and he didn't even bury them!

Ambition, greed, power... none of it is as dishonourable as leaving those you killed on the surface.

"Ambition will never stop corrupting people, killing Vir Nominis Umbra and ending this nightmare won't change that fact." Ozpin assured as he walked around the large room. He picked up a piece of paper, it was faded and bleached from the sun that bled through holes in the roof and through the windows inside of the ancient tower that they were stood inside of. He began to read what was on this letter... it was a final report.

This is William Schnee.

We have heard no report from Ares or the Arc Brothers in Old Town. For all we know, it could have gone wrong... or maybe they killed Ezekiel. We heard the fighting all the way from over here, and we are miles away from the Arc Fortress.

Still no word on where Cynthia Nikos is... or from Vyrryk's little Colony he created.

I fear they could already be gone, alongside the civilians who agreed to help us re-take the city. We have suffered tremendous losses to the Grimm before that suicidal attack, I just hope that this means we finished off Ezekiel. I do not know if Vyrryk was telling the truth about this... entity... the man with the shaved head? He described him as some unassuming merchant.

How could a merchant destroy everything we have ever known? I mean... we have learned nearly everything there is to know about the World of Remnant. And we have seen spirits and entities, but nothing powerful enough to do this kind of damage.

But I must admit, I have been wondering.

What did Sylens Emerais find down there?

I guess we will get to find out, thanks to Vyrryk's lovely wife, Claudia, she managed to repair the Transmit Tower with Herakles' help. Sylens sent us the data he said could save the world, yet it does not make any sense. One of these files showed a sword, and that was what Vyrryk went off to forge... but there is still so much more.

I think it's a map? What could possibly be on a map that could save us?

A weapon that could finish off the Grimm? A new power source?

I have absolutely no idea, but I am going to call Isabel and Wulfwin here to look over the cache of data that Emerais sent to us. The man caused the deaths of billions... I pray he could save the next generation with what this is.

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