Chapter 85 - Merlot's Promise

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The remnants of the Aura Destabiliser crumbled, sparks flew from within, and ashes floated through the air, the dusts of Kelham. It was funny, they never did know what his real name was, everybody just knew him as Kelham. No files ever gave them a real name in the history that they knew him... it was always just – Kelham. But it did not matter anymore, the monster was finally dead, and he could not harm anybody else with his destructive tendencies.

Kassius stood before the destroyed Aura Destabiliser, and he turned to see Jaune and Pyrrha approach him. He held them, hugging both of his friends, glad to see that they were safe and alive. "You alright? Looked like it got pretty tense near the end there." Jaune asked him, Kassius rubbed the blood from his lip.

"Yeah, that bastard put up one hell of a fight. But it doesn't matter, he's dead. About time to... he and I had a score to settle for quite a while." Kassius shrugged as he walked across the floor. He saw the fragments of red metal across the floor, he crouched down and picked one of them up. The fragment was a piece of his Claws. "I told you that you were gonna die, Kelham..." Kassius said, dropping it on the floor. The piece of crimson steel clattered against the floor, and Kassius exhaled.

The two Slaves that Kelham and his Traffickers killed... Nadine and Neryth... he promised he would save them, but he failed. At least now their deaths had been avenged, alongside the deaths of so many innocents because of that monster. And now the Acolytes of Lien were no more... only the ones in Atlas remained, and there were far from enough there to beat them.

The Acolytes of Lien were now the Acolytes of the Rose, and it was time to continue on. Kassius turned and they saw Mazen crouched down beside Kaa. She softly moaned in pain, her hands on her stomach that Mazen managed to wrap a makeshift bandage around. "Did... did you get him?" She softly asked him, fighting the pain, and he smiled at her, nodding his head.

"Yeah... we got him." He assured and she smiled.

"Good... about time that son of a bitch got what was coming to him." Kaa chuckled as she laid there, and Ozpin turned to look at Ortega. He held Penny's Microchip in his hand, staring at it. He still held her close, never letting go of her.

"I misjudged you, Ortega." Ozpin admitted, Ortega glanced at the Ancient One.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"When you were our enemy once... I assumed you just some greedy Admiral who bought in. But really it was because you wanted your daughter back..." Ozpin said, looking at him. "I misjudged you... forgive me." He requested, which made Ortega chuckle.

"Professor... you are not the one who requires forgiveness. I still had my soldiers kill so many good people for Jacques Schnee and his cause. I still fought against all those who followed you and I let myself abandon what made me... who I am..." Ortega said, then Ozpin gently squeezed his shoulder.

"But you found yourself again. That takes a great deal of strength to face your demons and come out on top... trust me... I know that better than most." Ozpin assured, and he was right. He was one of the Knights of Grimm long ago, yet despite those years... despite his age... it still haunted him even now.

Only when Vir Nominis Umbra is destroyed would Ozpin truly be free.

As they stood there, they heard that musical cue that would always come through the Intercom whenever Sylens would appear to speak. "You've gotta be shitting me." Jaune scoffed as he looked around, seriously expecting Sylens' voice to return. But it was not him, because they shut him down.

"About time that savage brute met his end." Merlot spoke, and Kassius turned with wide eyes when he heard the voice of his father. He looked around to find where he was.

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