Chapter 95 - Sacrifice

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Neo walked back and forth with Hush rested on her shoulder as she stared at her two enemies, Ruby and Blake glanced at each other. They were ready to fight her, but they were not blind – they knew how deadly Neopolitan was. She could easily outmanoeuvre them in combat... but Team R.W.B.Y were family. And Neo was alone, that in itself meant that they had a greater advantage over Neo.

Neo stared them down and then she narrowed her pink and brown eyes, she sprinted towards them both and Ruby blasted towards Neo. She suddenly dropped down and slid underneath Ruby, lifting the hooked handle of Hush onto the curved blade of Crescent Rose. Neo swung downwards with great force, smashing Ruby down into the ground. Ruby tumbled through the ashes, looking up to see Neo suddenly stabbing the pointed blade of Hush towards her throat. Ruby rolled out of the way at the last second, and the blade punctured down into the ground. Gambol Shroud suddenly flew towards Neo, she turned and gasped, her eyes wide as she saw Blake launching herself towards the Assassin with gritted teeth.

She caught the Grappling Hook in the air and yanked it forward, pulling Blake forward. Neo jumped up and she spun, kicking Blake in the gut so hard that she flew backwards. The Feline Huntress fell into the black sand, groaning in pain as she laid there. Both Belladonna and Rose stood back up and they rushed Neo again at the same time. Neo fired the cannon built into her Improved Version of Hush, the screeching pink shell shot towards Blake and exploded into her chest. Only for her body to shimmer away, and Blake suddenly thrusted through the smoke of which her shadow once stood. She kicked Neo across the jaw, which made her stumble.

Blake drew both her Katana and its Sheath, and she jumped at Neo, spinning like a saw blade, slashing at Neo over and over again. Neo flipped backwards, perfectly avoiding the attack, and then she landed and kicked the sand up into Blake's eyes. She grunted in distress as the sand partially impaired her vision. Neo thrusted forward and jabbed Hush into Blake's chest multiple times, withering down her aura, until Blake slashed Gambol Shroud hard towards Neo. The skilled Assassin suddenly rolled over Blake's shoulder and spine, landing behind her, pushing herself up into the air and kicking Blake in the chest multiple times. Blake staggered backwards until Ruby suddenly shot towards Neo in a flurry of red petals.

Neo turned sharply and she cartwheeled out of the way, spinning Hush through her fingers, resting it over her shoulders and pointing her finger at Ruby, using it to aim at her. She fired the cannon at her, but Ruby launched forward, and she spun around the incoming fireball, and she suddenly burst from the Petals. She fired Crescent Rose, a perfectly placed shot that sent the bullet directly into the barrel. The ice round erupted with great spikes, blocking the chamber from firing any further shots until Neo cleared the blockage. Ruby suddenly swung Crescent Rose around, specifically aiming the blunt side of the blade into the side of Neo's face. The weapon struck her cheek hard, and it made her stagger, but as she stumbled the Assassin instantly rushed towards her.

Ruby slammed the Scythe down, firing it multiple times at Neo. She jumped and flipped, dodging the incoming rounds, before she landed beside Ruby and yanked her Scythe from her hands. She pulled it from her grip and threw it aside before she twisted around and kicked Ruby in the side. She staggered, and Ruby kicked her leg up and swiftly drew her dagger from its boot and slashed it at Neo over and over again. Neo ducked and dodged the incoming swiped from the small blade.

Ruby drove the knife down towards Neo with gritted teeth, but the Silent Assassin stopped Ruby's arms with her forearm. She then suddenly jumped and wrapped her slender legs around Ruby's head. She slammed the Rose down into the ground before she kicked her in the side of her head so hard that she saw stars. Ruby groaned, pushing herself back up to her feet, slapping her head to snap herself out of the dizziness. "Gods... you're so annoying to fight, you know that?" Ruby groaned, and Neo winked at her playfully as she spin Hush around her finger repeatedly.

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