Chapter 69 - Blood Rage

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She could hear their screams, and the sound of the Horridus Morbus Thralls howling from inside of the Isolation Block. They sent shivers up her spine as she ran through the hallways to get to the locked door that blocked her way. She had never heard the sound of a Thrall before, and that sound would give anybody nightmares. They screamed just like people, and at times you could hear the person that they once were still screaming inside.

"HELP ME! KILL ME! IT HURTS!" She could hear those terrifying screams, screams of people she could barely even recognise anymore. Every now and then she could hear a gunshot as well. She turned a corner and found the heavy locked door, and she kicked it, but that did absolutely nothing whatsoever. She aimed her shotgun at the glass but she saw the civilians inside, and the heroic warriors who were fighting them all.

I can't... I could hit them... even if the shell breaks the glass.

As she looked through the glass, her eyes widened when she realised that Terra was one of the brave people fighting the poor people that had turned into Thralls. One of them roared at her and shambled closer, all of them bar Patrick Greene's Thrall were all still very weak after recently transforming. The Thrall swung its long mutated claw arm towards her, but she just avoided it, ducking under the attack.

"Terra!" Saphron screamed, she took her fire axe and she slammed it down onto the lock on the door, in the vain hope of breaking it open. She strained and grit her teeth, eventually yelling with anger as she tried to pull the axe back out, lodged into the steel. But the harder she pulled, the wooden handle snapped and splintered. The act of doing so threw her backwards, and she aimed back at the door, but she still knew that there was no way in hell that she could get through with just a shotgun.

"Saph!" Terra yelled as she saw her beyond the door. "The Operating Theatre!" She yelled, grabbing a metal pole on the ground and swinging it round and across the face of the Thrall. The jaw of the human was broken off, blood spilled from the shattered bone and it spluttered, whimpering as it staggered away from Terra.

"P-Please!" The Thrall tried to whimper as blood poured from its mouth, but then the attempt to let Terra's guard down faded and the primal rage in the monster returned as it roared at Terra and lunged for her yet again, but she used the pole to hold it back.

"I'm coming!" Saphron yelled, and she sprinted the other way, to find her way in through the Operating Theatre. The window was not bullet proof, and she could break it with her shotgun.

She just needed to get there as fast as she could, before the Thralls infect more people.


Hazel's howl echoed throughout the Hospital grounds, and Sun's eyes were wide with shock as he stared at the man that was once so calm around them. Tock's corpse laid by his side, her throat ripped open by his teeth. Her blood still smothered his face and his shirt, staining it and drying with the cold. He slammed his fists together as he growled, eyes glowing bright red and his skin turned pale. He spun round and he caught the blade of one of the White Fang Rogues with his bare hand. It was as if his skin was covered in armour. Hazel's eyes were filled with a feral fury that terrified the Rogue to his bones.

Hazel snapped the sword in his hand with just the pressure from his thumb, before he punched the soldier in the chest. The impact was so powerful that it through him through the bushes. Hazel arched his back and he howled to the Fractured Moon, before turning to the sound of the Hyena Faunus' maniacal laugh. He drew both his axes and he spun them through his fingers as he circled Hazel, the other soldier slowly stood back up. Sun weakly tried to get back up, but he was still badly beaten by the White Fang.

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