Chapter 81 - The Emerais Catacombs

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The Reaper had become nothing more than a massive plume of smoke, so huge that it darkened the sky. But for once, it was a shadow that they were gladdened to see, because it meant that the Leviathan-Class Grimm was finally dead and defeated once and for all. Ruby and Weiss were both helped back to the Embered Grove where their forces were now able to set up a secure defensive perimeter. There were still some Grimm left in the remnants of the battlefield, but they were merely stragglers, ones that were hardly much of a challenge to get rid of. Every now and then the pop of a gun could be heard that was killing the last standing Grimm.

Some Acolytes of Lien Mercenaries were on their knees with their hands bound, ones who refused to join their side but knew that fighting was suicide. These soldiers – the ones that could not switch sides – their fate would be to experience the rest of their days behind bars. Whilst those willing to change sides for the betterment of all life on Remnant could work off their time in jail by helping them fight against the real threat.

Ruby and Weiss were both helped to sit back down to recover from their fatigue after using their powers excessively. Neptune ran over to Weiss, and he checked her over. "Are you okay?" He nervously asked her, caressing her cheek, and Weiss gave him a very weak thumbs up.

"My heart's still beating, right?" Weiss asked with a sarcastic chuckle in her voice, making Neptune laugh as well. Oscar approached Ruby and he instantly wrapped his arms around her, she looked at him with her silver eye barely open from how sleepy she felt. Her bruises and scratches from her beating at the hands of Neo had healed up, only a couple scratches remained on her face as she smiled.

"How do I look?" She asked him, making Oscar chuckle.

"Like a Brussel-Sprout." Oscar joked, making her laugh as well. They both gently pressed their heads together as they sat there. "I've gotta admit... I had no idea if that crazy plan of yours was gonna work."

"Neither did I, not gonna lie." Ruby admitted, and Yang glanced at her sister.

"I see some things never change." Yang chuckled, alongside Weiss and Blake. Jaune stood with Pyrrha as they looked at Team R.W.B.Y reunited after everything that they have been through. But Yang desperately needed a rest, it was clear that the energy boost that the Aphax Violet Cure was wearing off, and now she and Weiss needed some good rest before they can truly be back to their normal selves. Yang sat down and she rubbed her weak lilac eyes. Kassius walked through the crowd of warriors, gently patting Coco's shoulder as she stood with her Team. He sat down next to his girlfriend and their cybernetic hands held each other tightly. He looked at her and he smiled at her.

"I've missed you, Firefly." Kassius said to her with a loving smile on his face. Yang smiled back and she gently rested her head on his shoulder, never letting go of his hand. Nora and Ren both are sat atop some of the frozen stone statues of the Grimm that Kragen managed to take down. Nora was sat on the shoulders of a frozen Ursa Major with Magnhild rested over her shoulders, with Ren beside her sharpening Stormflower.

It was a quiet relaxing moment for them all, a moment they all needed after the massive battle that just took place. Nora looked across the ruins of Arcturus Base where she saw some of the Acolytes of the Rose and White Fang working together to scavenge the resources and gear still in one piece after the battle. There was so much still in storage that they could use to their advantage. Stuff they could use for all their new soldiers thanks to taking the Acolytes of Lien back under Ortega's control.

"Man... it's been a damn long day." Cardin sighed as he dragged Executioner by its long handle. He walked over to Jaune and the Blonde Knight turned to see the man who once made his life a living hell. "Hey..."

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