Chapter 53 - Beautiful Ruins

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The sound of water that fell from the cracked and near collapsed ceiling of the building he found refuge within echoed constantly. Drop...Drop...Drop...

The cold water landed against his scarred cheek as he laid there, the pain had left his leg after the aura that covered his body managed to heal the wound that he suffered from the crash. He slowly started to come to, the side of his head was against the damp ground. As he came to, the droplet of water fell against the side of his head, and that caused him to jolt back into consciousness, he got up and grabbed his sword. He swung round and he pointed his sword around the room, the Whispers of Arkhonex were constantly echoing in the background. Right into his sounded like someone was right there.

They all spoke in a tongue that he could not decipher, all were speaking in some form of Arkhoni. Both Higher and Lower, it did not matter in the end...all of them became nothing more than whispery echoes. But despite the voices that spoke endlessly around him, he took his sword and he pressed it against the ground as he started to get back up. He grabbed the torn open portion of his trouser leg, and he looked inside. The wound was gone and only a scar more to add to the collection.

"Storm...storm's passed...good." He said as he walked out of the building and he looked around...Dawn had broken on the last week before the Shivering Dominion had begun. They were running out of time, and if they did not cure Horridus Morbus before the Time of the End began, here would not be a world left to save. Kassius moved his leg back and forth, and it was moving much better, he could even walk without a limp which was nice.

He flicked his wrist downwards and the blade of Lash Equinox descended back into the hilt. He looked around as he emerged, the storm must have passed recently since he could still smell the fresh rain in the air where the puddles had formed. He pushed his metal hand against the side of the doorframe and he rubbed his five-o'clock shadow of facial hair, scratched the itch he felt as he stood there. He looked around and he heard a distant boom...the sound of a Royal Manticore roaring, and he could see it flying away from the burnt town that Velvet was at.

"Who was that?" Kassius asked himself as he stared out at the destroyed city. "Whoever it is...Velvet, Coco, Cardin or Emerald...I'm coming." He sighed as he walked in that direction.

He needed to get there as fast as he could, and they all needed to reunite in the best possible location, Kassius walked round and he held his wrist up to a sign he saw left behind, and he scanned it with his bracelet. The word database stored inside of the device loaded up what it was he wanted to know...

To the left was a Fortress.

Cox Citadel

It was one of the many fortresses that the powerful families of Arkhonex owned, where Garrisons and Barracks were stored in case of a major attack. It was lethal and an intelligent move, since it would allow for an army to face the potential threat as quickly as possible. "Seems like whoever Isabel Cox was...she needed fighters alongside Fertility Workers." Kassius scoffed, since that was how every powerful Family in Arkhonex became so need a military to survive.

Kassius turned, and he scoffed, since it was almost ironic. He could see the Drift of Wandering Star emerging from the clouds in the distance, and could even see a huge convoy driving across the streets in the distance, too far to be a threat to him. But the same could not be said for everyone else, they looked like they were headed for the Spire. "Kelham..." Kassius growled as he stared at the ship, but there was one thing he was wondering.

What happened to Salem?

She was waiting for us, destroyed our ship and split us up...Grimm must still be looking for us, but where is she?

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