Chapter 42 - A New Development

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(Quick Author Note) Just so everyone knows, I have decided to change Hazel's Semblance. I am going to reveal it in this Act, because the new one I have come up with is not only more fitting than just "enhanced senses", but also improves on his character in so many ways. And the revelation of his semblance...well I cannot wait to show it. I hate doing Retcons in my stories, but I feel this retcon will be for the better.

I hope this is okay, and you undertand.

Anyway! Back to the story.


The sun may be up but is starting to set – and the Afflicted have had quite a tiring day. Starla did not show up again to train them today, but that also may be for the best. That potion the Witches made for them has done a great amount of work for their health despite the disease in their bodies, but it is not a cure. Just a suppressent to give them more time, and that time is running out. The discolouring in their veins is still quite bad, especially on Yang.

Hazel is sat down between the beds of Sun and Yang, looking at their bodies. Sun's discolouring around his chest is also quite bad, bruising his body – however he is physically looking better than a few days ago. He has been training non-stop in order to keep his body in prime fighting condition – not only because he has confidence issues when it comes down to his physique but also because he knows they need to stay strong. Especially in case something happens here, let alone when they need to get back into the action.

Hazel looks at Sun and he sighs, gently caressing his blonde hair, feeling such regret in his heart as he looks down at the boy. He is a good person, one of the best, and he took his mother and father away from him with no mercy. There is no surprise whatsoever for the young man's hatred towards him – but even then, Sun has never tried to kill him since he changed sides. Because he knows he is with them for the long haul like Cinder is, but at the exact same can he forgive him for what he did? He begged him to spare their lives and he did not listen, he just killed them both, right then and there.

Hazel pulls his hand from Sun's face, his eyes closed with utter shame. Shame over his past, when he was one of Salem's minions and nothing more. He pushes his hands against his knees and he gets back up, looking down the room to see Glynda in the other room. The room that the Witches modified into their own personal quarters. Hazel walks away from their beds, and he approaches the equally tired Glynda Goodwitch. He leans against the doorframe as he looks at her, scratching his beard. "How're they doing?" He asks her.

"As well as could be expected. They may be immortal Witches, but they still need to sleep. They haven't had any shuteye since they got here." Glynda comments.

"Tough ladies." Hazel chuckles, making her chuckle too, getting back up and putting her glasses back on.

"Very." She agrees, walking out of their room, and as he steps aside, they turn to see the Undertaker stood by the beds. His massive weathered Shovel in his hands, pressed down to the ground and motionless. Just waiting for his commands, just like always. "He'll keep any eye on them. We need to do something, Hazel." Glynda says with a yawn in her voice.

"Huh? You need to sleep, Glynda." Hazel tells her, she slows down and shakes her head, turning back.

"Even if I could get some sleep, Hazel – we can't. The Local Council called us; they want an update on what is going on. And...they have something to tell us as well." Glynda says, and that gets his attention. The Valerian Council rarely ever comes to the Academy for news, they don't really get their hands involved in their matters. But after what happened at Mistral, Atlas and Vacuo, they need as many friends as they can get. Vale has become the last stronghold not occupied by hostiles, meaning that this really is the last Beacon of Hope left for Remnant.

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