The Ghost in the Mirror

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"And all of a sudden this locker door flies open and nails me!" A jock whimpered as he held an ice pack against his bruised nose.
"I'm gonna be brushing this stuff out of my hair for a week!" Paulina whined.
"It's like the school's haunted!"
"Looks like you're been busy." I scoffed.
"It wasn't me! I swear!" He grinned and went invisible to overshadow Dash and dump his lunch on Paulina. "Now that was me." He chuckled as Tucker high fived him.
"Danny I don't think you should be using-" I started.
"Lancer! I'll be right back!" Sam called before leaving.
"Don't listen to them Danny, it's about time someone stuck a blow for Sidney Pointdexter!" Tucker exclaimed.
"Sidney who-dexter?" Danny asked as Tucker explained.
"Sam? What are you doing?" I laughed.
"Nothing... certainly not smuggling frogs out of the bio lab." She smiled innocently as meat was flung at Danny's head.
"Hey guys, how about we "meat" my new locker neighbor!" Dash cackled as Danny wiped the patties off his head and his eyes glowed green.
"Easy Danny, calm down." I whispered as I placed my hand on his.
"You're right, I-" he starts as he gets pelted with more patties, cheese, veggies, and a loaf of bread. "That's it!" He bellowed. "Hmm, I wonder how Dash would feel with a frog down his throat? Or twelve down his pants?" He mumbled.
"Oh no! You're not going to use them for your juvenile revenge scheme!" Sam growled holding the box closer to her.


"Ooh, ooh! Spiff diddly dee, man. So this is what it's like to have friends." Danny said.
"Are you ok Danny?" I asked holding onto his arms.
"Ohh! And a girlfriend too?!" He smiled leaning close to me.
"Slow your roll, girlfriend? Gotta ask me first." I backed up pushing my hand against his lips.
"What happened to Pointdexter?" Tucker cleared his throat.
"Oh, that square? He flew the coop. Permanent-like." We stopped walking.
"I- uh, forgot something in my locker, I'll be right back." I stuttered running off.
"Come back soon sugar." Danny called as he tried to kiss me again.
"That's not Danny, it's not Danny, it's not Danny- woah!" I jumped back as Danny's locker flew open.
"Sky! Thank goodness! It's Danny! Help me out of here!" Pointdexter cried out to me.
"I don't need this, my best friend just tried to kiss me... and I-" I got cut off.
"Who tried to kiss you!?" He growled turning red.
"I know he wasn't you. Danny, are you ok?" I worried.
"No, I'm stuck in here, I'm getting bullied, and on top of everything, I look like him." He pouted as I laughed.
"I'm sorry... I have an idea to get you out though." I started. "I'll get Pointdexter to come over here, I'll shove him in the locker, and then you get him to go into your body, and you can get out!" I explained as he nodded.
"Nice! Just be careful please." He begged as I smiled and nodded before I took off.
"Danny! Come help! Some defenseless nerd is getting shoved into a locker!" I cried. As he followed me.
"I can see why I love you." He smirked as he looked around.
"Hey, there's no nerd getting shoved into a locker!" His eyebrows furrowed.
"No, but there is now!" I exclaimed as I pushed him into the locker, but he grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me in with him. "Oof!" I cried out as Danny rushed over to my side.
"Sky are you ok?!" He worried as he checked my arms.
"I'm fine, thanks." I smiled softly at him.
"Good," he started as he scooped me up.
"Because you're going back just in case." He said as he pushed me back through the mirror.
"No! Danny!" I cried on the other side as the mirror just showed me my reflection. (She's stuck in the locked locker)


A few minutes later Danny came through the mirror and squished in the locker with me.
"Have you been in here the-" he started before I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You're ok! You're back! Wait are you?" I asked as tears streaked down my cheeks.
"Because I used my powers for the wrong reason and became exactly the kind of person I hate. It got me into a load of trouble, and I'm not gonna do that again." He smiled as he wiped my tears away with his thumb before we tumbled out of the locker together accidentally smashing the mirror in front of Mr. Lancer.
"Fenton! That's school property!" He scolds.
"I can explain! No, actually I can't." Danny sighed.

To the Girl with Turquoise EyesWhere stories live. Discover now