Chapter 21: Breakdown

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Me: Hi, everyone!

Ayaka: What's that title up there? "Breakdown"?

Me: Yup! It's the title of the chapter today!

Ayaka: I see but I have a feeling this chapter might be a bit...

Me: I know but where are the girls? It's been two days now and they haven't arrive yet.

Ayaka: Beats me.

Me: Okay but Ayaka, do you mind doing it for me?

Ayaka: Sure. *clears throat* This chapter may contain slight violence so please read it with caution, carefully and safely.

Me: Okay, we're good to go with the story!


Chapter 21: Breakdown

THIRD PERSON'S P.O.V (I decided to use Third Person's P.O.V instead)

After minutes of comforting Ayaka, Ayaka finally sleep. Saraka carefully place Ayaka's head on the soft pillows and cover her with a blanket. She smiled at Ayaka's sleeping form and she carefully close the doors gently. She turn around only to yelp in surprise at the sight of Gouenji.

"Gouenji-san! You scared me!" Saraka said punching his chest lightly with a playful smile and Gouenji chuckle.

"Sorry, Saraka. How's Ayaka?" Gouenji ask curiously, kind of concern for Saraka's team Captain. Saraka's smile immediately disappeared as she sigh.

"Ayaka has been sobbing so I came in her aid and comfort her until she fell asleep. Seriously, that Natsumi-san..." Saraka said huffing with a slight annoyance. "Anyways, I'm going to take a bath. See you around, Gouenji-san." Saraka said walking away from Gouenji who nodded and also walk away as well to have a bath, too. At the boys if you're wondering.

The Next Day

Ayaka was currently sleeping soundly until the sound of an alarm clock ring as she groan and shut it off. She yawn and stretch her stiff arms. She stood up and push the curtains, letting all the sunlight hit her room. She notice that her gold eyes had turn red. She frown when it hit her. Oh, yeah. How can she forget that? After Saraka left her, she didn't notice the light brown-haired girl sob quietly trying to get herself asleep. She sigh and look at herself on the mirror. She had dark bags under her eyes and her face look like a doll's face with its eyes filled with no life on them. She has to make sure to be strong and supportive for her teammates especially Asuka who greatly cared for her like a true best friend would. Then, the door was knocked and she straightened herself up.

"Ayaka, are you there?" Anna's voice laced with concern went through the doors.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Ayaka said and she facepalm herself for stuttering. She doesn't like to stutter on other people but guess she's doing it now.

"I see. Oh and Ayaka, breakfast is ready so be downstairs." Anna said and Ayaka nodded even though she knew she couldn't see her. She heard Anna's footsteps echo until it disappeared. She sigh and went to grab her bathing things before going to the bathroom. After she showered, she wore a yellow tank top and and black shortpants. She combed her hair and tie it in a high side ponytail. She open the door and was startled to see Chieko standing in the doorway.

"Good morning, Chieko." Ayaka said with her usual smile and Chieko nod, acknowledging her greeting.

"Good morning, Captain. So, how are you feeling?" Chieko said greeting her back but instead of calling her by her first name, she decided to call her Captain.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ayaka said with a reassuring smile on her lips and the two of them walk downstairs until they saw Endou and Natsumi linking arms with each other as they walk.

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