Part 7

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Hiccup's PoV

"What?? Are you certain of it doc?" I worriedly ask Dr. Kim as I listen to his statements.

"Yes Hiccup, I'm afraid your hormones are fighting back the medicines you take in, your Omega nature is getting stronger as you get older." Said Dr. Kim with a worried expression.

"But doc, if I can't take the medicine my life will turn upside down, people will know that I'm an Omega, and worse, they will criticize me, their future Chief is a weak useless Omega!"

"Hiccup calm down, I'm working on it. I'm trying to find a solution to this, but of course I need some time." Said the doctor.

I sighed. My life is really getting more complicated. I hate this.

"And while I'm working on it, try to not take in too much medicine, or it might have bad side effects, and don't go out as much as possible, your scent might attract Alphas on heat." Doctor Kim added.

I sighed again. "Okay I'll try." I said leaning back on chair.

This is bad. If I don't take in the medicine that can prevent myself from showing my Omega nature I won't be able to go out at night and go on patrol. Worse, the thing that happened to me before might happen again if I would be able to contain my scent. This is really bad! How am I suppose to tell Astrid and the gang?! I can't tell them that I'm a weak Omega! They'll hate me!

"Hiccup I know it's hard, but it'll be temporary, as soon as I find a solution your life will be back to normal again." Said Doctor Kim.

"I hope so doc." I got up and walked to the door. "Thanks doc for your info."

I'm walking to the parking lot while deep in thought about what the doctor said. My Omega instincts are getting stronger the medicine I take is not taking effect on my body, my scent is active especially this season, mating season is coming and my scent is getting stronger. I can't go out easily with this.

"No! Stop! Get away from me!"

My heartbeat suddenly quickens as the memory came flooding back.

"Help! Somebody help! Please!"

I pull my hair in frustration. I hate myself! I hate my body! I hate my existence! If it weren't for this stupid Omega genes my life would be normal! I curse this body so much!

"Aaaaaaagrrr!" I shouted in frustration, I unconsciously punched the lamp post next to me making its pole bend and broke into half.

"Sh*t!" I groaned in rage.

Black scales started to appear on my skin but they quickly disappeared as soon as I calmed myself down, can't let my inner dragon be triggered by this matter. I heaved a sigh and went to my car and get into the driver's seat. I need to get my mind off this for now, I need to relax.

I decided to go to the mall to get a mint and chocolate ship ice cream in my favorite ice cream parlor to cool down my nerves, and since I'm now in the mall I decided to buy some art supplies since my supplies are running out, I need new paint.

After I finished my ice cream I look for an art shop, this mall is too big to easily spot one. While I'm walking down the lounge where a lot of people are I heard my name being called. I look to the direction where the voice came from and there I saw a pretty blonde sitting at one of the benches in the resting area.

"Astrid?" I mumbled as I walk towards her. She doesn't look dressed, with just a simple t-shirt, jeans and slip on shoes, and...a stroller?

"Hey Astrid." I greeted her

Marked by an Omega | A Hiccstrid fanfic (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now