Part 36

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Astrid's PoV

If I were to chose one in between myself and everyone, I guess it's obvious what it is already.
Being an Alpha, and a teen at the same time I should set the priorities in a list.

I fidget my fingers on the table making pitter patter sounds that spreads across the room. I stare at the door as if waiting for someone to come in but as minutes pass no one came in.
I rest my hand, stopping from fidgeting and sighed. No matter how long I wait it still won't come, the answers will still be blank.

I got up from my chair and walk towards the window, looking outside to see the garden, or what once was a garden. The flowers had wilted, the once green grass is now yellow and dry, the tree at the edge of the garden now bald, although the skies are blue it didn't help to lessen the gloomy vibe it radiates.

"Alpha." Someone called from behind.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Fishlegs standing in front of my desk.

"Report." I say and look back outside the now dying garden.

"The one of our spies have found out about another attack coming from the outsiders and they requested for reinforcements before this happens." Fishlegs say in one breath, he seems to be troubled, well who doesn't if you found out about this news.

"I see." I say. I turn around to face Fishlegs. "Send this message throughout the entire pack, and gather the Council right after you do."

Fishlegs shakily nod, made a short bow and immediately walk out of my office in a hurry.
I sit back down on my chair, massaging the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"When will it end." I mumble to myself in gritted teeth.

I took a deep breath and stand up, walking out of the room and down the dim corridors of my house and up the stairs. I remove the trench coat I'm wearing and march out of the house, I took my communicator from the pocket of my pants and put it on, connecting myself to the others.

"Meet me in my office at ten, no excuses." I say and remove my communicator before someone speaks up and make another sappy excuse.
I got into my car and drive out into the quiet highway. Some buildings have been burned down, some fell into shambles, some are spared but are closed, the streets aren't as crowded as before, ashes mix in with the air, the once lively city turned into a ghost town, and it's all my fault.

I stepped on the gas, speeding up down the highways. No one will even stop me from over speeding, cops are out of service now, and everything is left in the hands of the higher ups, including me.
I grip on the wheel, holding back my scream of frustration. The sight of my city in shambles is too painful, if only I could've done something before everything fell apart, I could've avoided this from happening.

A screeching sound escape the wheels of my car when I step on the breaks. I got out of the car, walking towards Luna Co, or what's left of Luna Co. The once fifteen floors building is now cut into six floors after it collapsed.
I step inside the building where I was greeted by the remaining staff of Luna Co.

"Ready my office, and be ready, I might give you assignments." I told my staff and went to a room where a man wearing a simple black shirt and pants is sitting on a chair behind his desk, and a kid around three years old is sitting on the polished floor playing with toy cars.

"Aciel." I called, marching up to him.

"Big sis!" The kid run towards me and hug my leg. I took him in my arms and kissed his cheek.

"Gather your pack, we received a warning from our undercover outside." I told my big brother who's casually sitting on his chair.

"I already did, they'll be here in a few." Aciel say. "Now what do you have in mind?"

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