Part 38

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Astrid's PoV

If there's one thing I want to do right now, it's to wake up and think that all of this is just one big horrible nightmare. If only it were.

"Hiccup." The word came out of my mouth like a squeak.

I blink a few times, hoping I was just hallucinating and that my mind just played a trick on me, but there he is, standing a few meters away from me, his green eyes never to be missed under the light of the moon above us. My Hiccup, my long lost Hiccup is standing before me.
I was about to take a step forward and run to give him a hug, but someone stopped me. I look behind me to see Sian holding my arm, slightly shaking his head.

"Let go Sian." I say.

"No." He say. "You can't go near him."

I removed my arm from him and turn to Hiccup, about to go to him but another thing stopped me, no, no one held me back, but something didn't felt right that it made me stop and think for a second.
I look at Hiccup again, he doesn't looks different, but there's something about him that didn't feel right.

"What's wrong Astrid, don't recognize me anymore?" Hiccup ask, slightly lifting his hands like asking for a hug.

I wanted to run to him, give him a hug, kiss him and tell him how much I missed him but even if I want to I don't get the feeling to come into his arms. There's something amiss.

I kicked a stone and it went high in the air, I leaped off the ground and kicked the stone as hard as I could and it went flying like the speed of light right at Hiccup, hitting him right on the nose and he fell backwards his back hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"You're not Hiccup." I say, my hands clenched into fists. "Who are you?"

Hiccup, if it really were Hiccup, stand up, blood coming out of his nose with a slightly pained expression. "That kind of hurt." He say. "As usual, the Alpha really is the strongest."
He cracked his knuckles, "Well then, enough games." He made a sharp spin and slam his hands on the ground that created a loud sound like something just exploded, suddenly, the ground under us started to rumble and before I knew it, it crumbled and we're now falling into complete darkness.
I felt my body fell and hit something wet and hard and smelly, am I in a sewer?
And I'm completely helpless, I couldn't move my arms, like I'm being tied up.

Lights turned on and I found myself being surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Outsiders.

"I knew my plan would work." A man, who looks Asian with blue dyed hair stepped out with a smirk on his face. "The Alpha couldn't resist the strong feelings of love."

He roughly grabbed me by the face, digging his nails into my skin. "But sadly, the love of her life is no more than just a puppet."

"Where is Hiccup?!" I growled.

He teasingly smiled, "He's over there." He pointed at the guy standing behind him. He looks down at me with an emotionless face, I tried to search through his eyes, but I can see nothing, just cold, empty, darkness.

"Now Berk has fallen into my hands, all thanks to your beloved Omega." The blue haired bastard say proudly. "And you my dear Alpha, will bow down to me."

He shoved me and walk away casually.
I look over at Hiccup who just stared at me with a blank expression. Two men took me, almost dragging me through the sewer until we reached the end, where a truck is waiting, they pick me up and dump me in the back.

"Let me out of here!" I shouted at them.

"Oh we will, once we get back to base." Says one guy before closing the door in a strong force.

The engines turns on and I felt the truck move forward. I did my best to get myself on my knees so I'd be able to reach the window and see where we're going. We exit into another city, the buildings look a bit old, no not old, more like ancient, it's not like any modern city I've ever seen, it's like travelling to ancient history where the buildings still have those spiky designs on the roof, the doors are made out of heavy wood that you have to pull or push aside to open. This place reminds me of ancient China or Korea, but the people aren't wearing traditional clothes so I'm still positive that I'm still in the present.

"Is this what the outsiders' city looks like?" I ask myself

I managed to loosen the rope around my wrist with the help of the sewer water which is kind of gross, but it helps, and I'm able to break my hand free.
I kicked the door of the truck but it was too hard that I barely even dented it. This whole thing seems indestructible like an armored car.

"I have to get out of here." I told myself.

The truck suddenly stopped. I look outside and I can see a stretch of a wall on either side. The truck starts to move again and we're entering a wide open lawn and I can see a huge structure ahead. It's a building made out of almost all glass, it's the first building I saw that's modern and high-tech in this place.

The truck stopped and suddenly it starts to go down, until we reach the underground where rooms with glass doors line up across the hall. The doors of the truck opened and two men in black soldier uniform took me and throw me inside one of the rooms, the glass door sliding up trapping me inside. I kick and punched the glass but nothing happened.

"Let me out!" I shouted. None of the men outside said a word and just stand there, their backs facing me with rifles loaded in their hands.

I kicked and punched the wall again and again until my hand began to bleed and blood stained the glass.

I fell on the floor, tears starting to fall out of my eyes as I tried to think of what happened to the others, and where my brother Axcel is, hoping that he's okay and the outsiders didn't caught him.

"So much for being an Alpha, Astrid." I hissed at myself.

I lay on the floor, hugging my knees and quietly cried. This is the first time after three years that I cried again, and everything, the pain, the fear, and the hatred I felt overflowed as tears.

"Your father was wrong when he decided to fight against us." A voice said from outside the room. I sit up and saw that blue haired guy again, now dressed like the guys with rifles standing outside the room. "He should've agreed to form an alliance but he refused, now, look what happened, his heir clueless as ever had failed to save her empire, and soon enough you will bow down to me."

I glared at him. What he's talking about is nonsense, and all I wanted to do is beat him up and destroy his face with my own claws.

"Now let me give you a choice," he say, grinning at me. "You join me and you and your friends will live, or you all will stay here as my prisoners."

"I'd rather rot here than join you." I hissed.

He shrugs. "Oh well, I'll let you think things through." He said and walks away.

Whoever that bastard is, I'll kill him once I find out a way to get out of here and find out what he's up to. This war is not yet over.


Well, that was short and dramatic. It took me long to update, sorry about that, was busy and I was juggling things right now.
I made a lot of changes of the plot for this story so it will be confusing. Well what can I say, I'm crazy.

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