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Kongpobe and Arthit got down to have lunch. Mr Sutthiluk was sitting at head of the table.

"Come sons. Oon come sit with me." Mr Sutthiluk said and Arthit nodded and went to sit beside Mr Sutthiluk and Kongpobe sat on the other side of Mr Sutthiluk.

"Where is Rin isn't she having lunch with us?" Kongpobe asked as there were only three of them sitting.

"She went to pick up P'Pree."

"Aunt Pree is coming?" Arthit cheered up.

"Yes she is." Mr Sutthiluk smiled at Arthit.

They ate there lunch talking about daily life.

"Oon you go up and take some rest I have something to discuss with Kong. It will take some time don't wait sleep if you are tired." Mr Sutthiluk said.

"Okay Pa. But can you please ask Aunt Pree to make me strawberry shortcake when she arrive." Arthit said making puppy eyes.

"You can just ask yourself Oon why bother Keith?" A woman a little older than Mr Sutthiluk yet beautiful said entering the mansion.

"Aunt Pree!!" Arthit ran to the woman and hugged her.

"Swadee kharp Aunt Pree." Kongpobe greeted.

"Oh my Kong why can't you be happy like Oon don't you love your aunt anymore and what with these formal greetings?"

"Oh aunt don't be like that I still love you." saying Kongpobe went to hug the woman.

"Swadee kharp P'." Mr Sutthiluk greeted after the little get together ended.

"Swadee Keith. How are you?" Mrs Pree said.

"Good. Now P',Oon you two get some some rest. Kong come with me. Rin have you collected the files."

"Yes uncle."

"Okay bring them."

Everyone nodded and did what they were asked to do. It was the respect they all had for Mr Sutthiluk knowing his hard work and dedication and love for his family.
Arthit went into his room and took out some their old games and started playing.

He soon got bored and lied down looking blankly at the TV screen in their room.

He looked at the clock it's only been half hour and he hated being alone without Kongpobe around. He again stared at the TV and started changing channels. After some time he was looking at some documentary on animals looking for water in summer.

His eyelids were getting heavier and soon he fell asleep.

Arthit was suddenly found himself on a swing.

Soon he realized it was the same one in the Sutthiluk mansion's backyard. He got down from the swing and started to look around.

He heard laughters coming from somewhere and when he followed the sound he saw two person. He went closer and saw it was Rin and Kongpobe.

"P'?" Arthit called and they turned to him. "What are you doing here?"

Kongpobe was silent but Rin hugged him.

"What you doing P'?"

"He doesn't want to be with you anymore he is mine now." Rin said smirking.

"You---you ar--are lying."

"He always have to take care of you like a baby. But now with me I will take care of him."

"P'---P'Kong tell her--tell her that all this is lie." Arthit was panicking.

"You are such a cry baby you can't give him pleasure. I'll give him everything." saying Rin left with Kongpobe.

"No no no this is not true ......P'Kong won't leave me alone. NEVER."


Arthit woke up sweating and breathing heavily. He looked around and heaved a sigh when he saw he was in their room. He took the glass of water from the side table and drank it. Then he looked at the clock and saw it was already evening and he have slept through it.

Arthit got down from the bed got freshed and changed into a fresh pair of clothes and went downstairs.

"Oon you wake come sit with me son." Mr Sutthiluk. Arthit nodded and went to sit beside Mr Sutthiluk.

"Pa where is P'Kong?" Arthit asked looking around.

"He went out just an hour ago don't worry he will be back soon. Actually he also took a nap before leaving. Maybe you were sleeping so you didn't know." Mr Sutthiluk said watching the TV.

"And where is P'Rin?" Arthit asked worried inside.

"I'm here helping mom." Rin came from behind holding a tray.
"Here is your tea uncle."

"Thanks Rin." Rin smiled and left.

Arthit sigh and relaxed seeing Rin at home and Kongpobe away from her. Mr Sutthiluk noticed the changes in the boy's face.

"Are you okay son?"

"Yeah Pa I'm fine." Arthit tried but failed to smile genuinely and Mr Sutthiluk sighed at Arthit's fail attempt.

Mr Sutthiluk tapped his lap and knowing it was hard to hide anything from Mr Sutthiluk he lied down with his head in Mr Sutthiluk's lap. Mr Sutthiluk started running his fingers through the latter's hairs.

"Now tell Pa what is wrong?"


"Did you have a nightmare?"

Arthit pursed his lips and Mr Sutthiluk understood that he was right.

"Son do you remember what I said about nightmares."

"Yeah that nightmares are our mind showing us what we are afraid of..."

"Right and do you remember what else I said."

"Hmm that overcoming our fears are the way of getting rid of the nightmares"

"So do you know how you will over come your fear?"

"I think I do."

"Then it's good." Mr Sutthiluk said smiling down at Arthit.

"Thank you Pa." Arthit sat up and hugged Mr Sutthiluk.

"I'm glad to help." Mr Sutthiluk said patting Arthit's back.

Arthit let go and again lied down with his head on Mr Sutthiluk's lap.
After another hour Kongpobe came back they had dinner together like a happy family.
Arthit had strawberry shortcake for dessert and Kongpobe had some coffee while talking random things. Everybody bid good night and went to their respective rooms.
To be continued

AN: Sorry but it was needed for the mature content part.

Like not everybody's day is boring like me that eyes open it's day and next it's night.

And I wanted to make this short but I got carried away I think and it became 1040 words including AN.😅

But don't worry the mature content will be up in 24 hours.
Sooorrryyy I need the time.

GAP (Way to our happiness) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang