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"Okay let me ask again. Do you love Kongpobe?"

Arthit gave a confused look and Mr Sutthiluk sighed.

"Okay first let me explain what I meant by love."

Arthit nodded in agreement.

"Arthit son." Mr Sutthiluk paused a little before continuing. "Love is a I won't say pure but deep strong feelings. Not pure because it's mixture of affection, jealousy, possessiveness, happiness, confidence, trust and many unknown people can't even name. Love is what when you feel for a person that being with them is enough. It's when that person smile it's like you've achieved every thing you ever wanted. It's when a person becomes your whole world and you can't imagine your life without them. It sometimes is painful but when that person is with you there is a strange peace in that pain."

Mr Sutthiluk turned to Arthit to see the boy listening carefully and he exhaled before continuing again.

"Love is when you share your happiness and your pain. Your pro and con. Love is when you share yourself selflessly and take selfishly what your lover gives be it good or bad. Love makes us responsible towards that person and things surrounding them. It makes you want to take care of them and to be taken care of."

Mr Sutthiluk took another deep breath.

"Oon lastly when the love is mutual it is heaven in earth but when it is not it can cause disasters like this or worse." Mr Sutthiluk said pointing at his bandaged hand and leg.

"Think about what I told you and you can answer later when ever you want. Kongpobe is coming I will leave now. Be careful and take care son."

Arthit nodded and looked at Mr Sutthiluk's back as he was leaving. Kongpobe came and sat beside him.

"Oon tomorrow I have to go somewhere can you go to hospital with Pho?"

"Yeah sure. I actually like spending time with uncle he is really great man."

"Yes he is he the greatest father one could ask for." Kongpobe internally cursed himself for his choice of words.

"Is what uncle do for you is what a father is supposed to do?" Arthit asked wondering.

"Yes I guess so. Umm do want stay here some more or wanna go inside? The sun is almost setting."

"Let's go inside. I'm feeling a bit sleepy." Arthit yawned.

"Okay lets go and fix you something to eat and then you can take your meds and go to sleep."

Arthit nodded and Kongpobe helped him get down and they went inside the mansion.

After eating Kongpobe carried Arthit to their bedroom and settled him on the bed and went to get his meds.

"P' can I ask you something?" Arthit looked at the elder.

"Hmm what is it?" Kongpobe said handing him his pills.

"How do you know if your are in love with someone or not?" Arthit asked swallowing the pills.

"Why do you ask you like someone?" Kongpobe asked raising one brow.

"No. One of my friend said that he thinks he is in love so I was just wondering." Arthit's lied the second time that week though not entirely his friends did say something like that he was just using that as an excuse.

"You think about the person you're in love with all the time. You can't wait to meet them and when they around you don't want the to day end and you want the time to stop while looking at their eyes. And--" Kongpobe heaved a sigh.


"When you close your eyes you see their beautiful face smiling at you. Now close your eyes and go to sleep you have a early appointment with the Doctor." Kongpobe said and went to the bathroom attached to their room.

The words Mr Sutthiluk and Kongpobe said was replaying in his head. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and when he closed his eyes Kongpobe assuring dazzling smiling face appeared in his mind. That smile that changed his life. And he couldn't help but smile too. He eyes flutter open when he heard Kongpobe came out for the bathroom.

Kongpobe came and placed two pillows under Arthit's plastered leg and hand then he positioned Arthit's between his legs so that he can hug him and the younger doesn't feel any discomfort. Kongpobeb dimmed the light as the younger didn't like picth black rooms.

In that dimmed light Arthit was blushing furiously though they have been sleeping in that position since the Arthit broke his arm and leg.

But today was different.

Today he realized he was in love.

He was in love.

With the man holding him sharing his warmth. Giving himself selflessly and taking everything Arthit gave him selfishly.

He was in love.

With the man who took his pain away yet left him in the pain of being in love.

He was in love.

With the man who the definition of love.

He was in love.

With the man made him love others.

He was with love.

With Kongpobe Sutthiluk.

He was in love.

With his P'Kong.

Now he was in love.

With being in love.

With that he drifted to sleep with a tingling warm in his heart. And smile at the corner of his lips.
To be continued

AN: This one is a bit short I know. But don't worry I will be updating the next one very soon.

And God I don't know what the hell did I wrote about being in love. Forgive me.

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