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"Kongpobe. Kong. Son wake up." Kongpobe woke up hearing Mr Sutthiluk's voice.

"Oh Pho you are back." Kongpobe sat up straight rubbed his eyes and stretched his back.

"Yes it's almost evening. Why are you sleeping on the sofa and where is Oon?"

"He kicked me out of our room." Kongpobe said rubbing his face.

"Huh? Why? What did you do?" Mr Sutthiluk took a sit beside Kongpobe.


"Really. And is he okay he looked really flushed in the morning."

"Yeah he is fine. He wasn't really sick he was just blushing very furiously."


Kongpobe nodded.

"Okay I won't ask why he was blushing but what did you do to get yourself kicked out?"

"I just explained how our bodies reacts to different sensation."

"That didn't got you kicked out."

"It didn't."


"You know how curiosity gets the best of him."


"So he insisted on telling details."


"He threw up." Kongpobe looked down.

"And kicked you out."

Kongpobe nodded again.

"I'll let you handle this. But did you guys ate lunch?"

"No. He didn't come out of the room and I couldn't eat without him."

"Don't starve yourselves. It's not good for your healths."

"I know. I will go and make dinner hope he will come down. He must be hungry after throwing up everything."

"Make something light. And don't do everything yourself call someone for help." Mr Sutthiluk walked to his room.

Kongpobe nodded and went to kitchen.


"Yes P'" Kongpobe said to the worker helping him.

"N'Arthit ate snacks and took some upstairs while you were sleeping. He said he doesn't want to eat dinner today."

"Hmm okay. P' can you go and ask Pho if he wants anything specific in dinner." Kongpobe said.


Kongpobe was standing in the kitchen and the worker came back.

"P' please cook dinner for Pho I won't eat dinner either." Kongpobe said and walked out.

Kongpobe knocked on Mr Sutthiluk's door and there was a 'come in' from inside. Kongpobe went in and plopped down on the bed on his stomach.

"Kong son are you okay?" Mr Sutthiluk came sat down on the bed beside Kongpobe.

"Pho." Kongpobe looked up at Mr Sutthiluk.

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