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'P'Kong is mine' Rin muttered and the was a loud thud and scream followed behind.

The two workers who were working at the mansion that day rushed to the place and saw their beloved young master screaming in pain.

Rin rushed of the roof and went downstairs.

One of the workers called an ambulance and then called Mr Sutthiluk.

Soon the ambulance came and took him to hospital.

Arthit dislocated his right hand and broke his left ankle. his hand and leg was plastered.

He was lying on the bed when the door of the hospital room flung open and a very worried Kongpobe rushed in.

"Oon!! Oh my god! What happened?!!" Kongpobe had tears in his eyes.

"Oh P'Kong you finally came I was sooooo booooored." Arthit said in a singing voice.

"Are you okay Oon?" Kongpobe frowned at the younger.

"Yeah I am. What happened to me?" Arthit said more like asking.

"Are you drunk?" Kongpobe couldn't help but wonder.

"No it's the meds it is for his body to relax. He will be asleep soon and the doctor said we can take him once he is awake.
I think we should take him home tomorrow." Mr Sutthiluk came in.

"He will be fine right." Kongpobe said softly looking at his father.

"He is fine. Don't worry. Do you wanna stay here?" Mr Sutthiluk asked.


Mr Sutthiluk stepped to bed.

"Arthit son how are you feeling?"

"Oh uncle take me home na I haven't played my guitar or piano today." Arthit replied pouting.

"Take some rest son I will take you home soon."

"Hmm." Arthit nodded.

"I will come in the morning to pick you guys up. Take care of him." Mr Sutthiluk told Kongpobe and patted his shoulder before leaving.

"P'Kooonngg!" Arthit whined after Mr Sutthiluk left.

"You need anything? Are you feeling pain anywhere? Should I call the doctor?" Kongpobe tried to check if the younger was feeling uneasy.

"I'm feeling sleepy."

"Then go to sleep I'm here if you need anything." Kongpobe said taking his left hand.

"Hold me I can't sleep without you." Arthit said pouting.

Kongpobe smiled softly at the cute male and got in the bed with him making sure the younger was not hurt or uncomfortable and hugged him from behind.

Arthit sighed and leaned on the elder's chest snuggling closer and soon sleep took over his hazzy sense.

It was around dinner time when Arthit woke up and he was hungry. As he was in the VIP room the hospital food was good.

Kongpobe fed him and made sure he took his medicine. Then they again cuddle watching TV in the room. But as their was sleeping pill included in his medicine cause his body needs as much relaxation it can. Arthit soon fell asleep in Kongpobe's arms.

The next day Mr Sutthiluk came and took them home.
When they got home Arthit was on wheelchair. Mrs Pree walked to the boy and hugged him.

"Oon I'm so sorry dear." Mrs Pree said with tears in her eyes.

"Why are saying sorry aunt?" Arthit was a bit worried if she knew about what Rin did. She was the sweetest sister but Arthit didn't know why she did that. He was wondering if he did something.

"Cause we have to leave tomorrow and I don't wanna leave you but--"

"It's okay aunt P'Rin has class too and worry uncle P'Kong and others are here to take care of me. I'll be fine." Arthit smiled.

"But I'm feeling guilty as Rin was there and she couldn't do anything."

"It's not her fault I slipped. But can you make me the marshmallow cookies and strawberry shortcake before you leave, Please!" Arthit offered him a sweet smile.

The next day Mrs Pree and Rin left. And Arthit felt bored staying home all day and as Kongpobe has work and study he can't always stay with him. So Mr Sutthiluk tried to entertain him and gave him some old music tapes to listen. And Arthit loved them very much. But sitting all day in his room watching making him sick. So he asked Kongpobe to take him to the garden.

Kongpobe took him out and placed him on the swing carefully. And when he was about to join the younger his phone ranged.

"Don't worry about me P'Kong take the call I will fine." Arthit said but the elder didn't want to leave the younger alone.

"Go ahead Kong I will here with Oon." Mr Sutthiluk said coming to his son.

Kongpobe nodded and went to take the call.

"How are you feeling today son." Mr Sutthiluk asked smiling.

"Better uncle." Arthit smiled back.

"Oon Can I ask you something?"

"Do you think us as your family?"

"Yes uncle you guys are the only family I have ever known."

"The you must know family don't lie to each other."

"Yes uncle."

"Then tell me the truth what happened on the roof. And don't say you slipped. We both know that the roof is not somewhere you will slip and fall. And why were you near the edge when we told you not to. That's so unlike you."

"Umm uncle." Arthit looked down.

"Did Rin pushed you?" Mr Sutthiluk asked carefully.

Arthit shot his head towards Mr Sutthiluk making it obvious that he was right.


"I noticed the sacred look on your face while Rin was around."

"Uncle please don't tell this to P'Kong. He will be very upset and angry."

"Okay. But let me ask you something more."


"Do you like Kongpobe?"

"Yes. I like all of you guys."

"Okay let me ask again. Do you love Kongpobe."
To be continued

AN: Shorter than the previous one I know.

But what can I do suddenly my reader mode was on. And spent my time reading stories.

I wasn't feeling like writing but as some actually waiting for new update I dragged myself into writing.

So forgive me if it is not good. I will try to do better in the next one.

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