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The next morning they got ready had breakfast together. They got out of the mansion together though they left differently. Arthit with Mr Sutthiluk in their car and Kongpobe on his bike.

The way to the hospital was filled with comfortable silence and Arthit's sweet voice singing along with the radio.

"You should try singing too you got a really good voice." Mr Sutthiluk said breaking the silence.

"I do like singing but who knows."

"You can pass your time this way until you can play again."

"Yeah I guess you are right uncle."

Again there was silence in the car.

Soon they were at the hospital and Arthit was sitting on the hospital bed to get his plasteres changed.

"It there any discomfort with them?" The doctor asked.

"Yes can you remove the plaster around my knee?"

"Sure. I will be right back." saying the doctor excused himself for sometime.

"Umm uncle?" Arthit called chewing his lower lip a little a habit he developed from Kongpobe.

"Yes. Should I call the doctor." Mr Sutthiluk said with concern.

"No. Actually..."

"Are you okay son?"

Arthit nodded.

"What is it you can tell me."

"About the thing you asked yesterday....."

"What about it?" Mr Sutthiluk frowned.

"I think I know the answer."

"Have you thought carefully? Are you sure about your answer?"

"Yes I am sure."

"So what is your answer?" Mr Sutthiluk asked nodding.



"Yes uncle I'm in love with P'Kongpobe. I'm in love with your son." Arthit's said blushing.

"Oh Lord. I thought you would take forever but we all know you are a smart kid." Mr Sutthiluk exhaled and smiled in relief.

"Uncle why are you relaxed about a boy loving your son and I am not even sure if P'Kong loves me too." Arthit looked down and the doctor came in.

The doctor removed half of the plaster so Arthit could move his knees. He also removed the bandage holding his dislocated shoulder only keep the plaster on his wrist.

"Your wrist was Broken but don't but don't worry it will heal soon. Come again in next week. I will come or send someone to change the bandages in three. I think you were very lucky that where you fell it was grass and soil or it could have been worse. Try to be careful in the future. You can leave now." The doctor smiled and bowed before leaving.

Mr Sutthiluk helped him get down and they walked out of the hospital. They were in the car and Mr Sutthiluk drived away.

"Umm uncle?"

GAP (Way to our happiness) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt