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Virgil paced between the couch and the kitchen as Roman watched.

"Virge, you're going to wear a hole in Patton's floor." Roman said, watching the Garuda carefully.

"I'm sorry! I'm just really anxious right now!" Virgil yelled, "more so than usual anyway."

Roman sighed and stood up from the couch, walking over to Virgil. He placed his hands on the Garuda's shoulders.

"I understand you're anxious." Roman said, "So why don't we do something that calms you?"

Virgil nodded, "okay."

"Okay." Roman smiled, "what helps you calm down?"

"Well, flying usually." Virgil looked down and rubbed his arm, "but I don't wanna go alone cause Deceit and no one else can fly."

"Why don't I go with you, but I'll stay on the ground?" Roman suggested, rubbing Virgil's shoulders gently, "we could find a clearing so you can fly, but I'll be there so you won't be alone."

Virgil smiled and chuckled lightly, "So you aren't as dumb as you look."

"Hey!" Roman shoved Virgil lightly.

Virgil smirked and walked toward the door, "come on Princy, or I'll leave you behind."

Roman laughed and ran after Virgil as his black and purple wings slipped out the door. Virgil looked back and saw Roman running, immediately speeding up with a smirk. Roman laughed and gave chase. The two ran through the trees. Virgil hoisted himself up a tree and started hopping from branch to branch, Roman following underneath.

The sun speckled the ground and the two figures running through the woods. Not a breeze disturbed the air, save for the laughter floating through the trunks of the trees.

Then the two burst out into a clearing.  A few deer ran back into the trees as the Garuda took to the sky, the human coming to a stop in the middle of the clearing.

Virgil flew high up in the cloudless blue sky, before letting himself fall back and plummet toward earth. He loved the feeling of wind through hair and feathers. The comfort of air under his wings. Virgil felt like he could fly forever.

"Virgil!" Roman called.

The Garuda stopped mid-twirl, fearing something happened to the human. Instead Roman was grinning up at him, waving at him to come down. Virgil chuckled and swooped down, setting his feet lightly on the grass.

"What's up?" Virgil laughed lightly.

"Can I fly with you!?" Roman asked, his eyes shining.

Virgil froze in surprise, "what?"

Roman deflated a bit,"oh, um, nevermind."

"Hey no, I didn't mean it like that." Virgil said, moving into Romans sight, "I was just a bit shocked, we can fly together whenever."

Roman smiled and met Virgil's gaze, "Really?"

Virgil nodded and grabbed Roman's hand, pulling him along as he spread his wings. Then he launched himself and Roman into the air.

Roman felt his feet lift off the ground. He laughed as Virgil carried him up. Virgil grabbed his other hand and started spinning them in some sort of aerial dance.

Slowly, they made their way back to the ground. Both of them were breathless and looked like an absolute mess. They started laughing.

Once they were finished laughing there was a moment of silence. Virgil gazed at Roman and Roman gazed right back. For the first time, Virgil didn't feel anxious at all.

Virgil leaned up and closed the gap between him and the human.

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