Chapter Forty-Six: Sasuke's Recovery Mission

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Mai was doing paperwork in her office when Naruto suddenly burst inside, kicking the door open.


Mai sighed silently before raising her head.

"What's the matter?"

"Sasuke's gone!!!!"

"Gone? How come?"Mai as she knitted her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes!!! Gone!!! It's all that snake man's fault!!!!! We have to get him back to the village!!!" 

Mai brought her hands together and took the information in. She had had the feeling that this would eventually happen. She felt somehow guilty because she hadn't been able to do anything about this curse mark. Orochimaru was really one of a kind. Plus Sasuke was already so full of hatred, and the fact that he had kept repeating that nobody could understand hadn't made things easier. So he was an easy prey for the snake man. 

"What are you waiting for?! Do something!!!" Naruto shouted, getting really impatient. But Mai didn't react, she was still somehow lost in her thoughts. 

But what was the point of bringing him back if he didn't want to come back? They couldn't force him to stay and tie him to a chair. He was determined to get back at his brother for killing their parents and clan. 


Mai stood up swiftly and went to look through the window. 

"How far are you ready to go for Sasuke?" She asked Naruto placidly.

"I will bring him back no matter what it takes!!"

"But why is he so important to you?"

"Stop with your questions!!! That seems obvious to me!!! If your best friend had deserted the village, wouldn't you do anything to reason him and bring him back?!"


It's not like this situation could happen to her anyway...

Mai narrowed her eyes. 

"Godaime-Mai!!!" Naruto shouted angrily again. 

At least, she had to give it a try, even if they couldn't bring him back. 

Naruto kept shouting and pestering angrily, his blood now boiling, which really got on Mai's nerves.

"Stop bugging me!" She ended up saying in a stern voice, turning around to face the blond boy as she did so. "I'll do something about it."

"What do you mean I'll? You have to do something now!!!"

"Yes, I know! That's what I'm going to do!!! Now get out of here!!!!"

"No! I won't get out before you actually do something!!"

"No, I need you to bring Jiraiya-Sama here first." Mai said, having regaining her composure.

"Why? What does he have to do with Sasuke?"

"Because he knows this Orochimaru man better than anybody. So I need advice from him. So, can you please go look for him?"

Naruto sighed in exasperation before pouting.

"Alright, but that means you'll do nothing in the meanwhile." 

"Do you really think that I spend my time doing nothing in this office?" Mai said in a low voice that sounded slightly threatening. 

"No! No! I did not say that!! But all you've been doing is paperwork!! So don't tell me you're going to do paperwork while knowing Sasuke is in danger!!"

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