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Flash Back~

"Mom what have I done!! I hurt the person I've been in love with for months.!!" Mark cried on Taeyongs lap.

"So who is it?" Taeyong ran his fingers through his sons dark hair.

"Donghyuck....He was Cindehaela. Silly name but he was my Haela all these while. I hurt him since Koeun and Haerin and Eunha kept nagging me. Then we promise them the marriage. Mom!!! What was wrong with us!!" Mark cried when he was made to face the Queen.

"Perhaps she put on a spell on us since she was Dads distant familys friend. Honey whats wrong?" Taeyong let Mark snuggle into him on the bed.

"He was being a fucking dick!! He called Hyuck disgusting. Where is the Mark hyung I knew? Mom Mark is a monster!" Jeno grumbled at the crowned prince who seemed to not stop crying.

"I......I was manuplilated? I dont know it felt like I was made to listen to them.....Mom I love him. I really do. If I loved Haela then if they are the same people then I love Donghyuck right?" Mark wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"You will marry a princess Mark." Jaehyun entered the room.

"Honey Koeuns not a princess." Taeyong pointed out.

"Eunha is a trusted family friend. So Koeun would be a princess." Jaehyun was stubborn.

"What the hell Dad!! Why are you so fucking blind!! You love Mom." Jeno fummed.

"Honey I was pregnant with Mark when snatched me away from my own wedding. I was forced to marry King Yuta with out love. When you fought for your love why cant our son fight for his!? He deserves so much and Donghyuck is a timid baby who has been illtreated for years!! Where is that adorable man I loved?!" Taeyong was angry, and Jaehyun though a King was afraid of his Queen. Taeyong was a mother, a prefect ruler and his anger was like a dragons fire.

"Baby......Mark needs an heir!! Donghyuck cannot give him a child!!" The king put in making Taeyong loose his temper.

"Didnt I give two fucking sons!!! I was and is still a guy!! If I can concieve! If I can have children then my baby Donghyuck can too. Dont you dare lift an accusing finger at that innocent child Jaehyun." The queen was angry as he pushed the king outside the room.

"I'm a usless son. I dont deserve Donghyuck. I saw him dance so fluidly so precious such graceful moves. He........Gosh Mom I marry that bitch in three days!!" Mark was a crying mess and Jeno had no choice but hug his brother.

"Shut up!! He loves you. I've seen it. Just confront him. Prove your love. Solemnly pledge to love him forever. And live up to the promise. Kiss......" Taeyong sighed hugging his crying son and showering him with kisses.

"Yeah......No wait omg!! I over heard Koeun talking about setting men on him for ke finding out. Urgh that slug. I should save my baby boy." Mark whipped his tears as he quickly changed his shirt and rushed out with his car keys.

"I always knew he was a beautiful gay rainbow." Taeyong smiled evily.

"Mom we being serious here." Jeno deadpanned.

"I'll tell Jaemin you have a crush on his ass. Shut up." The mother blackmailed his son and skipped off.

"Dont use protection Markie!!" Taeyong squealed from the hallway window.

"Mom!! I'm not going to fuck him. Gosh." Mark started his car.

"Yes yes. You'll make love. Now that a noticable differents baby son." Taeyong waved like an idiot.

"I hate you sometimes mom." The prince shouted back.

"I love you more son." Taeyong giggled happily.

"Tsk as if I'd do it." Mark clicked his tongue as he drove as fast as he could to save his brownie boo.

End Of Flash Back~

"D-Dont stare at my your highness. I'm nothing but ugly." Donghyuck whispered up at the prince who stared down at him lovingly. After the soft sweet kiss. Donghyuck had sadly not kissed back.

"Do you love me?" Mark whispered again at the flustered beauty.

"Y-Yes. I-I love you." Donghyuck blushed darker as lips touched his again. The prince lips were petals of sakura. So soft and delicate. So untouch and raw. His lips moved slowly on Donghyuck with love, making the younger burst into tears and shyly kiss back. Donghyuck was afraid, What if Eunha found out? He'd rot in the cella for life.

"Will you be mine? My wife. My Queen. My everything Hyuck. I dont need glass slippers. I dont need any proving. I just love you like a blind lion and only want you. Will you marry me? Tonight. With my family and your friends as witness." Mark pulled away butterfly kissing the boys swollen cheeks.

"I-I'm afraid your Highness." Donghyuck whispered back bitting his lips.

"Ill be your knight in shinning armor. Haela my little Cindy." Mark pouted slightly.

"I-I......Yes. Yes I will marry you." Donghyuck pushed his face into Marks face as they smiled.

"Then go pick a wedding gown with Mom. Call your friends. We are getting married tonight." The prince let Donghyuck go as he sat up and buttoned his shirt.

"But your highness I-I cant g-give you an heir." The boy got off as Mark opened the door and Taeyong and Jeno crashed onto to them shamelessly.

"Hyuck let god decide that okay love." Mark smoched the youngers neck. "Mom take you future daughter in law to Chenle. His fairy god mother and Jaemin and Renjun his best friends. Jeno decorate the church. Okay?" The prince ordereds as Donghyucks idiots crashed in Taeyong having informed them already.

"ITS TIME FOR MAGIC!!" Chenle screamed.

"First we eat. Then get down to business." Jaemin stretched.

"Bitch its our babies wedding!!" Renjun swatted the cottoncandies head.

"Jessica! Chop chop!!" Mark and Jeno giggles as the palace turned bright and noisey. As secrer wedding preparations were begun for the prince and his mystery girl. Donghaela. Haha

CinderHaela [MarkHyuck]♡Where stories live. Discover now