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They landed after hours, the big bear fasninated at Canadian beauty. As they drove through buildings Donghyuck had his face glued to the window in awwe. They didnt check into a hotel but went to where Mark grew up as a child. The house that he was born and bred. It was neat and white walled, soft yellow curtains so the sunlight would match. Taeyong had designed the house when was pregnant with Mark. The prince smiled softly as he saw his baby baby wife pouting at crookedly hung paintings as he set them right and jumped in glee his soft hair bounced.

"Its!! So pretty!!!!" Donghyuck ran around for the first time having been gone away from the hell hole he lived in.

"Its all yours. It was Dads gift for Mom and His to yours." Mark dragged the bags upstairs. His wife waddling behind in awwe.

"OMG!!!! LOOK AT THIS ROOM!! ISH SO PRETTY." With that Donghyuck dived into the soft black bedsheets with a huge protrait of Mark Lee above the head of the bed.

"Go shower and change. I'll get us something to eat baby sunflower." Mark smiled as he left to buy food since there wasnt anything in the kitchen.

Donghyuck pouted, Shorts, Shorts, big ass t shirts, loose sweat pants, ripped jeans, cropped black shirts and all colours of sneakers. But what there wasnt anything proper to wear. And sating nighties and lace panties? Seriously? There was a black lacy thing that was too small for his liking so he threw it in the trashcan. Showering quite mad at his fairy godmothers he plopped on the bed with boxers and a hoodie, thank god there were boxers.

"I'll wear a short. Wearing tight clothes all day makes my body shrink." Donghyuck giggled to himself and spread his now dressed self on the bed like a star.
"Sunshine wake up. Its morning." Marks voice chuckled as Donghyuck yawned smacking his lips. His head was tilted up still fast asleep that he didnt realize Mark was changing. "You didnt have dinner. Buck up my cute pumpkin butt."

"Uhhh haa......Ummm kay. Who are you?" Donghyuck mumbled falling back into the fluffy bed immediately snoring after. Which resulted in him sleeping three days straight. The prince thought he deserved the rest.

"Why are you dressed nicely Your highness?" Donghyuck finally woke up after the forth day. Showered and huddled in a pink hoodie and white tight jeans he stuffed the pancakes the older had prepared.

"I'm going on a date with a pink flower. Idiot did you think you were sleeping beauty? Well I cant deny the fact that I stole multipal kisses from you." Mark shrugged licking the maple syrup from the plump lips.

"Y-Yah sneaky p-prince!!" Donghyuck blushed biting his lips.

"Your mine.....My baby wifey. My Haela, My Queen and just all in all mine." The prince slipped under the younger hoodie when the later did the dishes.

"Your highness!!" Donghyuck squealed as he was turned around.

"Kiss me." Mark lent on Donghyuck, The brunette looked up shyly shaking his head. "Kiss me or I might thing Hyuckie doesnt love me." The prince teased, Donghyuck gasped quickly standing on his tippy toes and pressing his lips on royaly. The kiss was innocent, shy and it sure dripped of love.

"Emotional blackmailer." The gorgeous brunette pouted as they headed out for the first time. Mark was a prince so he had his own car even in Canada, Vancouver.

"Where are we headed to?" The brunette awwed at the scenes that they passed. One hand on the stearing wheel Mark had to pull his baby wifes jean waist band to safety.

"Sunflower please stay inside." Mark whispered pulling into a drive way.

"Woah this place is Daebak." Donghyuck jumped out when Mark opened the door for him being the gentleman he was.

"This is Moms house. We are here to see mama Ten and  papa John." Mark giggled at the way he called his grandparents since Taeyong called them Mama and Papa.

"Greetings.....uhhh gorgeous human being? What can I do for you?" A handsome Thai looking man opened the door to the wooden pretty house.

"Hello. I'm Donghyuck Lee. Mark Lee's babyb wife." Donghyuck beamed at the name feeling proud. Well Jaehyuns parents were Lee thought the Queen speaks of him taking his wifes surname.

"HE GOT MARRIED!! JOHNNY!!" The man screamed as a tall muscular man appeared frowning.

"Hey young man. What is it Ten?" Johnny sighed at the fuming beauty.

"Mark my bratty grandson is married!" Ten fussed.

"Awwe congradulations. Oh Mark my boy. You have a gorgeous wife there." Johnny spotted Mark behind the window and dragged him inside with Donghyuck as he closed the front door.

"Donghyuck lay on the couch." Ten ordered as the boy laid down praying for dear life. What surprised Mark was that his wifes hoodie was lifted to check his stomach. "No bumps. Pluse normal. He's not pregnant. Great now Ima get them to do it!!" Ten jumped up and down like pixie.

"Mama Ten. You were mad one moment and the next you know we havent done it and you are happy?" Mark clicked his tongue.

"I'm a guy I-I cant have a baby." Donghyuck pouted and Johnny crouched before the little boy.

"Honey, We had Taeyong and Taeyong had Mark and Jeno. Trust me my grandson is one heck of a guy and you'll be pregnant in no time." The tall guy ruffled his grandson in laws hair making him smile.

"I know since I'm Ten. Mama knows everything. So tell me about all of it. About the midnight enchanted wedding. Tae Tae informed me but I forgot." Ten seal clapped.

And so both couples were huddled up in couches with hot cups of coffee as Mark related the story. Donghyuck kept staring at the older even though the prince turned his face it would just spring back to stare.

"What is it pumpkin butt??" Mark finally looked at those big phat expressive bear eyes.

"Pumpkin wants a big Kiss." Donghyuck whispered as he closed his eyes when Mark giggled and  kissed him full on the lips.

"JOHNNY GET THE CAMERA!!!" Ten squealed like a highschool fangirl.

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