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Mark felt terrible and weak, he was nothing compared to the people around him. He failed as a prince, a father and a husband. He couldnt save Donghyuck, He had nothing to offer and felt small before his wife.

"Simba?" Donghyucks sweet voice babied behind him. Now slightly better from the trauma he went through.

"Hmm?" Mark hummed fixing his waist coat, ready to go for todays meeting.

"Why wont you talk to baby flower? No kisses for me?" Donghyuck waddled towards Mark, leaning his pregnant self on the prince pouting.

"I'm just busy baby flower." Mark patted his wife's cheek and walked out of the room.

Mark was in deep thought, What was he? Was he even fit to be king anymore? He didnt know anything. He didnt even know if he was ready to be a father and face bubbles. Herin and Eunha were still alive lurking in the shadows. And Mark? He could do nothing. He banged his head on the steering wheel as he grunted in pain.

"Im so usless." The prince groaned.

Baby Flower Calling.....

"What is it love?" Mark sighed into the phone. "Stop pouting. I'm still on my way to the meeting." The prince drove off.

"Nothing I just miss you so much." Donghyuck sighed on the other side.

"I'll be home by evening. Stay safe." Mark hung up as he got off the car and went into the companuly.

Mark stepped into a house that smelled of baking. Donghyuck in his girly clothes with Jaemin, Renjun and Taeyong.

"MARK!!!" Donghyuck waddled into Mark squeezing his whole frame.

"How have you been?" Mark smiled tiredly at his gorgeous wife.

"AMAZING!!! We are baking for  Bubbles and Mommy. Oh oh and for Jaemin and Pies!" Donghyuck bounced in Marks arms giggling. A week ago he looked so strong and fearless and right now he was a baby again.

"Good. Then can I go sleep?" Mark loosened his tie and walked away.

"Simba doesnt love baby flower anymore?" The brunette followed his husband to their room.

"Pumpkin you know I love you right? Then why ask me such questions?" Mark unbuttoned his shirt, as he tried to find a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Should Baby Flower wear lace again for Simba to love him?" Donghyuck pouted fiddling his fingers.

"Darling, You dont have to wear lace, I love you, It's just I have so much going on in my head and our lives. Simba only loves you more each day. Okay baba?" Mark squished Donghyucks cheek and pulled the pouting beauty into a tight embrace.

"Kisses for baby?" Donghyuck nibbled Marks chest.

"Look up then." The prince lifted his wife like a koala. "Bubbles is growing!" Mark chuckled at the weight.

"Yes!!! What shall we name him!! Ummm...." Mark kissed his wife sweety only the lips and placed him on the bed.

"How about you search for baby boy names while your husband takes a shower. My little girl." The prince kissed the chubby full cheeks as he finally went to shower.

When he came back, Donghyuck was asleep, his legs adorned with pink socks curled to a side as his body was placed on the soft pillows with his white t shirt slightly rolled up, showing his black boxers and baby bump.

"Oh how much I love you. But why do you love a man who can save you?" Mark laid next to beauty, pushing off the strawberry blond bangs away.

"I'm your baby." The brunette mumbled.

"But usless." The prince whispered.

"Shut up!" Donghyuck opened his big bear eyes.

"I cant save my baby from the evil." Mark sighed running an arm through his damp hair.

"Simba you are the greatest out there. And......You save me. You are always there for me." Donghyuck reached for the olders arm as he lifted his shirt and placed it on the baby bump. "You will always be my saviour, my very own magic baby Mark. Ours." The younger kissed the princes cheek smiling at the necklace that had never left the boys neck ever since.

"What if I fail to protect you guys? What if I..." Donghyuck kissed Mark so he'd shut up and not talk about stuff. He himself was afraid that his visions might come true.

"We believe you Daddy." The strawberry blonde beauty smiled radiently.

"Kiss me again please?" Mark his wife inbetween his limbs.

"Dont say please. Idiot! Order your baby about!" Donghyuck giggled smashing their lips together.

"I'd love to but.....Its not the time." Mark winked at his blushing baby wife.

"Ahhh!! Bubbles dont kick Mommy so hard!" Donghyuck gasped holding his baby bump.

"Look son. Mommy was mine first and.........Daddy can love him the way he pleases right Baby Flower?" Mark patted the bump smirking in his wifes neck.

"Yesh!! I miss that!! Yah!! Dont speak shit in front of Bubbles!" Donghyuck giggled cutely.

"I just love you so much." Mark peppered soft kisses along the valley of Donghyucks neck anf symbol.

"Uwu!! I cant wait for Bubbles to be born Daddy! Omg I love you so much too." Donghyuck seal clapped.

"What did you call me baby boy?" Mark slowly pushed the brunette down on the matress hovering him with a naughty smirk.

"Uhh....N-Nothing. I'm a baby flower. Who wants cake, and......No no....Not...Not the time! I'm six months pregnant!!" Donghyuck nervously pushed the hard chest away.

"So?" Mark shrugged.

"Amidst all these problems you cant fuck me......Bubbles can see you Prince Lee." Donghyuck giggled.

"Okay you dont wanna do it. Fine!!!! I'm sorry!" Mark pushed away covering himself and pretended to sleep.

"Simba no!! Wakey Wakey!!" The brunette crawled over Mark shaking him.

Mark pretended to snore loudly, Donghyuck only teared up, hiccuping as he tried to wipe his tears with his sweaters paws.

"Baby flower is sorry Simba!! Dont say sorry! You c-can order baby flower around and do anything you want. Please Wake up." Donghyuck started sobbing sadly and Mark sat up.

"Well thank you my Queen." Mark playfully started tickling the brunette. 

CinderHaela [MarkHyuck]♡Where stories live. Discover now