This really happened

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(okay this was something that happened to me. During my wisedom teeth removal. Like this was what was happening in my mind when i was under. So ill use my name. Okay)

(i dont own the art)

JP is laying in her chair, the doctor and nurses preparing her for her oral surgery. She was nervous, scared holding her foxy plush as she felt a needle enter her arm.

"Miss you okay? How you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"Wide awake." JP replied as she gulped. That was before everything went dark.


She found herself on a throne, she knew where she was. Dark Haven, a kingdom she always made up. Looks down at herself she realized her body was younger, maybe 16.

She heard a noise, banging and clatter from down the long halls. Before she knew it she was at the  door leading to the lab.

Once pushing in a brick with a moon on it, opening a door, she ran down the stairs to see him.

"Varian." She sighed out. He lifted his mask and looked at her.

"Hey boss," he laughed. "Wondering when you were going to show up." He chuckled hugging  her.

"Um...yeah whats going on? Why are you..? Why is this all...real?" She asked utterly confused.

"Easy light, you're in surgery and the aesthetic is making your imagination work 98.4% more...vivid and realistic. Basically to distract you from the pain and fear you felt before you came here." He said smiling.

"So this place...and you. You aren't real." She said frowning a bit only for Varian to laugh.

"JP of course its real! Just because its in your head doesn't mean its not real." He said leaning making a cute face, causing to JP to laugh.

"Wait did you just quote Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Hey its your mind JP." He shrugged laughing as he grabbed his sandwich and took a bite.

"But this is weird. Dark Haven is always busy...why are you the only one here?" She shrugged.

(dark haven, but imagine thereres buildings around it and a dome of never ending darkness over it

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(dark haven, but imagine thereres buildings around it and a dome of never ending darkness over it. Its a safe haven for creatures of the night)

"Cause you needed the one person who you would never feel scared around. I am basically all that safety you feel, taking shape of something you love. Well you know what i mean by that." He chuckled.

"So your my peace of mind, taking the shape of an imaginary Varian." She stopped.

"JP, you are a lonely girl. You live in a terrible place and retreat into ur mind and have imaginary friends, there is no crime here. Im your friend. I mean most of your friends don't  live near whats the fault in having imaginary friends? Or going to a world that you want to be in. You live life in reality and your imagination. Its where you feel safe and thats okay." Varian laughed a bit sitting on the desk.

"So I'm not crazy?" She asked moving and sitting next to him.

"No. Far from it. You come here, for peace of mind. That isn't  bad. Its not like you spend all day in here. Maybe 2 hours of the day at most, and in 24 hours thats not a lot." He said and she smiled leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks VarVar, sometimes I need to hear that." She smiled closing her eyes just leaning  on him.

"You're welcome...light...." His voice seemed to fade, she open her eyes to see the dentist office. She looked around frantically.


"Vawiwan" she mumbled out, catching her moms attention.

"Honey whats wrong?" Asked her mother.

"Whewes vawaian?" She asked, struggling to talk.

"One more...hold on." Her mother grabbed her tablet pulling up on of JP drawing apps. She drew with her finger writing out.

'Wheres Varian?' She showed her mom only to go oh. Mom quickly dug in JP's purse, pulling out a little Varian figurine she got JP for Christmas.

"Here he is sweetie" she said handing the figure to JP. She looked at it, before holding it to her chest, zonking out again from the medicine  and pain.

(no judging but yeah i put on my head phones, and imagine Im somewhere else. Its not like i ignore life. I just live life in reality and in my mind where i get a lot of ideas for stories xD)

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