Chapter 19: disney trip part 2

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Yesterday we decided to go to Disney world today since tomorrow is magcon.

I grabbed my black vans,with my vans tank top with rainbow printing with some khaki shorts.

I walk over to Gabys room and knock on the door. Gaby opens the door. She is wearing a Mickey crop top with some shorts and black vans.

"I always have something Disney in my suitcase" she said smiling. I kissed her on the cheek and went into the room.

I saw Aaron still trying to pick out a shirt to wear. Gaby walks next to me.

"Aaron let me pick something you are taking forever" Gaby said pushing him away from his suit case.

Aaron walks to the bathroom to brush his hair. By the time he comes out Gaby hands him a tank top that says obey.

"Thanks gab" he said kissing her cheek. "No prob" she said patting his back.

He puts on his shirt and we walk over the Nash's room. Everyone was already there so we walk to the lobby.

Well Gaby and Lauren didn't walk to the lobby they were too excited so they were practically running to the lobby.

We made it to the limo and put on the radio. We kept singing along to the songs that were playing.

We then saw the sign that said in big letters "DISNEY WORLD" and Gaby and Lauren started fan girling.

We reached the parking lot and Gaby and Lauren started running over to the cart where they drive you to the ferry ride and the monte rail.

When they were running they both tripped over a rock and face planted onto the floor. I ran over to Gaby and Lauren to see if they were okay. Turns out they were both laughing so I guess they were ok.

We arrived at the place and we all decided to go on the ferry. We arrive at Disney finally and Gaby and Lauren ran straight to the candy store and came out with about $150 spent on candy.


Trust me I'm a Disney fanatic but when i see Gaby and Lauren it's like never mind........

Once they came out of the candy store we headed straight for splash mountain. The whole group was walking. Hayes and Matt had to get of hold of Gaby and Lauren so they wouldn't run away and crash through people just to get in line.

We arrive and you already see Gaby almost fainting and Lauren with the biggest smile in the world. We were finally at the front of the line since some fans were attacking the boys.

We get into the log which is full of water since of the people who were in it before. Gaby and Lauren were literally trying to push the ride to start moving but they couldn't because of all the weight.

Then that's when the ride started moving and they both started practically crying since they love this park.


OMG we are about to start splash mountain and imma literally freak out. I feel tears in my eyes because of all the memories that has happened in Disney with my family.

Now I get to spend it with my boys so I cheer up and I'm ready to get soaked. We start to move and I feel Lauren grabbing on to my shoulders and squeezing them so hard cuz of all her excitement I wouldnt blame her.

We get at the top and we are about to do the drop. I raise my hands and that's when I feel like my life flashed before my eyes.

We just drop 30 feet and we land at the bottom with my shorts and shirt soaked with the water. I started yelling cuz of how fun that was.

We get out and walk to the other rides.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-5 hours later- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It's been 5 hours and it's already 9 we head to the last show which is were all the lights are up and the character begin to come out and wave to the people.

Today was a lot of fun especially since I'm with the greatest people in the world. During this whole time we went on.....

Space mountain,splash mountain,fast track,the tea cups,dumbo,goofys roller coaster, thunder mountain, exc.

After the whole show it was already 10:00 and we had to go home. We went into the limo and talked about our day.

Of course we signed some autographs for fans and took some selfies with them. I layed on matts shoulder.

"Today was fun" I said looking up at him. "Oh yes It was" he said looking down. "I love your new piercings" I said tickling his ear.

He started laughing. "Stop that tickles" he said taking my hand in his. "When we get to the hotel imma tickle you to death" he said with a devilish smile.

"Yah sure ok" I said smirking. "Ok let's see when we get there" he said.

We arrive at the hotel and right when we get out he carries me bridal style to my room. I kick and scream and yell for help.

He opens his door and puts me on his bed. He starts tickling me like crazy. "AHHHH MATCHU STOP" I said between the cracks of my laughter.

"Not until you say Matthew you are the hottest babe in the world" he said tickling me harder.

"OK OK MATTHEW YOU ARE THE HOTTEST BABE IN THE WORLD" I said finally stopping the laughter.

"Ok now kiss me on the cheek" he said pointing to his cheek. Right when I was about to kiss him on the cheek he turns his head and kisses me on the lips instead.

We separated and i started laughing oh this boy.............


Hello munchkins!😘

I hope you like this chapter in my opinion I thought it was pretty good😁

I was face timing katt during this so it was a really funny time😊

Love you munchkins😚😚

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