Chapter 27: arguments

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After about 5 minutes kian came in and layed down beside me. "Hey gabs are you ok?" He said snuggling with me.

"No, I just technically broke up with the person I love most and I already have  enough problems with my hands with what happens with my parents" I say starting to cry.


I was at the mall with Lauren and we were at old navy and I saw a cute sweatshirt.
It had the numbers 94 with the letters old navy and he print was a football field in the back.

I thought it looked cute and I showed Lauren. She said it was my style and we bought it.

I went back home and showed my mom. "Look mom I bought a new sweat shirt" I say pulling it out of the bag.

I handed it to her and she looked at it in disgust. "Gaby return this please, this thing is for boys and your a girl go back" she said stuffing it inside the bag.

"Mom you have to be kidding me it's just a freaking sweatshirt it's not that bad" I say.

"Gaby please that sweatshirt in stupid and you have to feminine" she said ignoring

"Mom that's not freaking  fair it's my life and I choose what I want to wear" i said raising my voice.

"Gaby what has gotten into you?" She said looking at me strangely. "What do you mean what has gotten into me?! Haven't you noticed I have changed! I don't like
sparkles and pink and stuff that you do, I'm being myself aren't you happy?" I say arguing.

"Gaby you have never acted this way before and never told me this, this is so surprising.." She said putting her hand on her hip.

"What is so surprising!?! I'm my own person. You can't always control me ok MOTHER. I am beginning to grow up and you can't handle that?!
You barely even notice the things that I do but and now you care?" I say getting frustrated.

"Gaby stop acting like this. You are acting wierd.., are you ok?" She said. "WHAT?!? Do you freaking think I'm lesbian? Just by the clothes I wear?" I say about to cry.

"Gaby how dare you-" she says but I cut her off. "How dare I what?! I know God says I'm a girl and he made me but he doesn't judge me by what I freaking wear!" I say yelling.

"Gaby God is our savior and you use him like this!" My mom says getting angry.

"Like what?!?! He loves all of us and he doesn't care if I wear something like this nothing is going to happen! Why are YOU acting like this?! Why can't you respect what I wear?!" I say.

She was about to say something but I run out the door to hayes house. We haven't had that fight in months but I still can't believe her.

*end of flashback*

Then there was family problems and other stuff.

I start crying like crazy and hugging kian. He saw my phone in my hand with me and Hayes kissing. He looks at it for a second and looks back at me.

"Aww Gaby" He says. "It's gonna be okay. Relationships are like this. They are not like the ones in movies or in books okay? You guys will make up soon I promise".

"thanks kian" I smile as turn off my phone and set it on the counter.

After that kian tried getting me to the other room but I wouldn't budge. I did not want  to get out.


I heard crying from the other room. I broke my baby's heart. Just thinking about it made me cry and the whole group saw me.

Nash took me to my room and set me down. I told him how I want Gaby back but he told me that I have to wait until it's the right time.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night watching Netflix and eating a tub of ice cream.

I felt lonely with out Gaby. Just sitting here made me think of her. My eyes got heavy so

I just left the tv on but I threw the ice cream away and went to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up with Nash waking me up. "You alright buddy?" He asked.

I almost forgot about last night until I realized Gaby wasn't with me. "No" I said shaking my head and stuffing my head into the pillow.

"you have to eat" Nash said. I just shook my head. i did not want to eat even though I love food.

"I will be back" then Nash left the room. Nash was going to get me food no matter what.

I sat up and put in the tv again. There was sponge bob. Ugh really sponge bob just had to come on.

That's me and Gabys favorite show. Ughhhhh. Why does life have to be like this?!?

I just stayed there watching the show while thinking of the happy memories of me and Gaby together.

Wow I really need help.


Lauren came into the door. "Gabs wake up I'm here" Lauren said handing me food.

"How did you know what I wanted?" I say.

"I'm your bestfriend I always know what you want" she said smirking. I just sat there eating my food.

Then liv comes in. " Hey Gaby I wanted to see how you were doing" she said shutting the door behind her.

She layed right next to me and lead on my shoulder. Then katt and stephy came in and did the same.

These are my true friends and they help me through anything.

I start getting up and they start moving everything just for me. "Guys calm down I'm just going to the vending machine to get some soda" I say and walk out of the door without letting them respond.

I need a break from being treated special. I walk down the hall way. I insert my money and press the number for Pepsi.

I then hear a door open and close from behind me. I see the blue eyed boy who looked like a wreck just like me.

His eyes were puffy , his hair was a hurricane, and looks like he just got run over by a truck.

But it was so cute. He then looks at me and we are just there for a while. I just walk past him and into my room and he does the same.

True love right.....
Heyyy 😌

Yes the thing about the jacket and my mom was true we did have an argument about it and I ended up crying because I felt like my mom doesn't like the way i dress. lately my mom and i have been having arguments but thats us 24/7 now. oh well thats how life is. and trust me no hate to sexual orientations. i support every single one of you beautiful people and dont let ass holes get too you okay?

But anyways I want to talk to you guys!

My kik Is itsgabyduhh123

Love you munchkins 😍😘

Hayes Grier the blue eyed boyWhere stories live. Discover now