My life is hard

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I'm so sorry guys but I can't update today. 😭😭

Here is the reason why:

I have two little brother one is normal the other has problems. He has this thing called duvet syndrome. I don't know how to spell it.

He has trouble doing multiple things and he has epilepsy. Which means he has seizures.

He usually has them weekly and today was his weekly one but this time it was more worse than others.

It lasted about 30 minutes and my dad called the hospital. My neighbor hood has a gate and I told my mom I was going to run over there to see if the truck was here yet.

By the time I got there the fire rescue followed me to my house and came in to see my brother.

They took him away with my mom and my dad called my grandma to come over while he drives to the hospital.

Yah I don't think I will have enough time.

But you never know writing takes me into another world so I might update later tonight.

I love you munchkins😘

Hayes Grier the blue eyed boyWhere stories live. Discover now