Chapter 25

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Arohi's POV

"Don't stress yourself out for that Jackass!" Arjun said putting a piece of pancake in the mouth as he continued, "If he can't value you, it's his loss." He finished jerking his shoulders looking at me carefully. Then he moved his attention to pancakes again. I saw Ahana let out a sigh beside me. 

We were sitting at the dining table having our breakfast while the rockstar was out of everyone's reach which was not new for anyone. 

"I am now regretting my decision to involve you in this mess. I am sorry, Arohi. It's my fault that you are suffering now." She said not exactly looking at me. I put a smile on my face and gave her a gentle push. 

"Who says I am suffering? I didn't." I shifted my eyes to Raghav. "Raghav? Was it you? You have been talking that nonsense for some days now." I said glaring at Raghav playfully. He just shrugged at me without moving his attention from the dish in front of him.

"These pancakes are delicious Arohi. You should teach John." He said chewing the food and giving me a wide grin. I smiled involuntarily hearing him. 

"That's disgusting Raghav. Finish eating and then talk." Ahana said giving him a death glare but he was least bothered. Raghav gave her a wide grin still munching his food and went back eating. 

"Umm... That's really yum. Can't help." He continued dramatically while eating. 

"For the first time in my life, I have to agree with Raghav. Rohan is at a big loss." Arjun said winking at me. Ahana and Raghav let out a small laugh. 

"So you are saying he should accept me just because I cook some delicious food?" I asked raising my eyebrow at Arjun. Raghav and Ahana looked at Arjun, giving their full attention as they tried to suppress a smile. I looked at Raghav questioning him by raising my eyebrows.

"Arjun said that. Don't look at me. You know I love you regardless, Arohi." Raghav said giving me a grin. I rolled my eyes and shook my head a bit as I moved my gaze back to Arjun. 

"Bullshit! I never said that. What I meant was... that... it's one of those many reasons." Arjun said giving me a wide smile. I let out a laugh at that.

"All the guys are such assholes," Ahana said shaking her head as she took a sip of her drink.

"That includes your dear Rohan too, Ms. Ahana," Raghav said pointing it out to her. She gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Okay! I know I favor him and love him a little more but that doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he says or does. What is wrong is wrong." She finished shrugging her shoulders. 

"Can we just not talk about him for now? It is really killing the mood." Arjun said making an irritated face. Ahana gave him a glare. I just smiled looking at these friends.

"Oh talking about him, I forgot to tell you Arohi. I met Ben yesterday, he is willing to meet you and was asking when you will be free. Is tomorrow fine with you?" Raghav asked. 

"Anything is fine with me Raghav. I was anyways going to ask you about him. I was looking forward to meeting that old guy." I said smiling widely remembering about Ben. How can I not meet him when I am here. He gave me a big chance to prove myself on the international platform without even knowing much about me. Just hearing some of my Hindi songs he trusted me and thought I can pull this task off well too. That was really too kind of him and I will always be grateful for that. Although the album is incomplete and hasn't heard by the world, the kind of exposure it gave me is incredible. And this album has given me a lot more than experience in my singing career. It changed my life, shaped me and made me stronger... and let's not forget that it made me meet the arrogant Nanda, who I was destined to fall in love with.

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